Apr 07, 2016 10:21

Their house is small and cozy. You feel right at home as the woman bustles you into a chair next to her husband and puts a steaming plate of delicious food in front of you. You thank her kindly and dig in, a ravenous hunger making itself known in your belly.

The food settles you, makes you feel warm and sated. Your eyes flutter closed and you hear her laugh from across the table. It’s kind not mocking, and she leads you to a spare bedroom, letting you know you are welcome to stay as long as you need. It’s just the right amount of reassuring, and you fall asleep almost as soon as your head touches the pillow.

The next morning, you join them for breakfast, feeling awkward and self-conscious now that the haze of exhaustion has faded from your mind. You inch your way to the table and huddle as far down in your chair as you possibly can, mumbling your thank yous as she hands you breakfast.

“Sorry for intruding,” you say, but she tells you to think nothing of it.

“We’ve housed numerous makers in our day. It’s no trouble at all. This one is always bringing home strays,” she points at her husband who has shuffled into the kitchen by this time as well. He looks just as sheepish as you do in the brilliant light of morning, and his timid shuffle to the table and slouch as he sits beside you make you feel more at ease.

You listen to her chatter about the plans for the day while you slowly eat your food, and you realize you don’t even know your rescuers’ names. You clear your throat, feeling terribly rude and then you inquire.

She blinks at you a few times, almost as if she doesn’t understand why you would ask, and then she exclaims, “Goodness! No one has asked me that in a long while.”

She has a merry chuckle to herself while her husband shifts in his seat, looking as though he would prefer to be anywhere else. You feel a little bad for asking.

“Sorry, dear, where are my manners. I’m username and he’s username,” she says, and your eyes widen. You’re in the presence of icon legends, and you didn’t even know! Not that you had heard of these two being all that active anymore, but you can see they’ve carved out their own little piece of the world to hide away in.

“I’m honored to meet you!”

Your enthusiasm makes him flinch, but she just beams at you.

“Don’t mind him. All the drama long ago got to him something fierce, and he’s never quite come right again. I’m just as pleased as punch that you recognize us. It’s been so long since we did anything that I thought for sure we’d been long forgotten.”

“Oh not at all,” you reassure her. “I know people who would kill to be in my shoes right now. So many people are still asking about you and how you accomplished things!”

You are practically vibrating in pleasure. They are the kind of icon heroes you would have been too nervous to speak to under normal circumstances. Now that you’re already here with them though, it’s kind of the chance of a lifetime. You don’t want to overstep your boundaries, but wouldn’t it be incredible to learn from them?

She has a twinkle in her eyes as she looks at you, and he stops shuffling about next to you. They seem to have come to a decision almost telepathically as he stands from the table and moves next to her. You watch them both warily as they stand before you, wondering if this is the moment things go sour, and your request fizzles out in your throat.

But they surprise you, and your eyes widen as they continue to talk.

They’ve been thinking about sharing old resources with newer makers. They have so much unreleased content that has been languishing away with no one to use it, and would you like to assist them? It would be easier for you to be their new face rather than them trying to barge their way back into the community. It would be a great opportunity for you to learn, she suggests, and your mouth hangs open.

A great opportunity? Try a totally amazing and wonderful one!

You nod your ascent, and she leads you to a room at the back of the house. When the door opens you gasp out loud. You are going to learn so many new things!


youwatchusrun | adriftingsea | tiptoetwirl | nightbulbs | outoftime

- story arc, - ending

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