etymolology wrote in tqc_anon Apr 01, 2010 18:20
* wtf australia, * no one even knows where down under is, * bermuda wins all, * southern hemisphere quietly wins, * rule britannia!, * canadian mods are the best, * north america is much better than nz, * euromod disapproves, * american mods are hotter, * texas rules, * america fuck yeah, * canada rules, * american mods are clearly superior, * canamerica sucks
captain_molly wrote in tqc_anon Dec 21, 2009 00:04
* canada rules, * america fuck yeah, * southern hemisphere quietly wins, * canamerica sucks, * euromod disapproves, [captain_molly]
sentimentation wrote in tqc_anon Dec 13, 2009 15:18
anon questions, * canada rules, * america fuck yeah, * canamerica sucks, [sentimentation], positive post, * euromod disapproves
i_am_famous wrote in tqc_anon Oct 17, 2009 19:46
* no one even knows where down under is, * canadian mods are the best, * 400↑, * north america is much better than nz, * 1000↑, [i_am_famous], * american mods are hotter, * america fuck yeah, * canada rules, * canamerica sucks, * american mods are clearly superior,