Ask for advice, or just give out some handy tidbits of information, like put salt around the rim of your bowl when you cook rice in the microwave, and it won't boil over!
I've had the same cell number since I was 16 and I seriously love it. It pleases my need to have patterns in all numbers associated with me and I just really like it.
My brother is turning 13 next month and my mom wants to get him a cell phone, because it's all he really wants. We aren't eligible to add a line to our Sprint contract yet and there's no way for me to go with another carrier and still keep my number. The only compromise seems to be me signing up with AT&T and getting an iPhone but losing my awesome number or keeping my number and making my brother wait until July when the contract on my line is up with Sprint and I can go ahead and swap carriers without being hit with a $250 line cancellation fee.
advice plz. school is making me miserable and i really don't enjoy it. would dropping out be a total waste of time? do you believe that it's possible to have a decent career without a college education?
I dropped out last year and I'm only loosely considering going back. It made me miserable and I do not miss it at all. I don't know if I'm going to be able to find decent work, but there's nothing super awesome that requires a degree that I even want to do so I can't justify the money and time wasted right now.
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My brother is turning 13 next month and my mom wants to get him a cell phone, because it's all he really wants. We aren't eligible to add a line to our Sprint contract yet and there's no way for me to go with another carrier and still keep my number. The only compromise seems to be me signing up with AT&T and getting an iPhone but losing my awesome number or keeping my number and making my brother wait until July when the contract on my line is up with Sprint and I can go ahead and swap carriers without being hit with a $250 line cancellation fee.
What would you do?
tl;dr no, yes.
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