I forgot I had an LJ account...

May 03, 2015 22:11

Wow, I totally forgot I had an account here, lol. I have been updating my facebook and other places, but forgot all about LJ - bad me! So, read on for updates!

So, only one major personal real life event has occurred since last post - no new significant other, no new job, no new house - but I did get in a car accident in January 2015 that totaled my old car and led me to have to get a new one. I got a used 2013 Hyundai Elantra Limited (that's the one with all the bells and whistles!). I love the car but not so much having to make car payments again, even if they are't too expensive (my old car was all paid for).

The New Car

I was pretty lucky not to have any major injuries in the crash, mostly just bruises and mild whiplash/concussion. It did do something to my shoulder that I've only recently really started to notice now that I've recovered and can start going back to the gym regularly, so I guess I need to call my claim rep and find out the next step for medical.

My dog, Lollipop, is doing well, finally figured out she's allergic to fleas and that's why she kept scratching and such. Poor thing. We have it all under control now though.

Lollipop sleeping at my feet.

Still playing new video games, and yes I still try and 100% every one of them. Currently working on Lego The Hobbit, Dragon Age 2, Wolf Among US, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix, and Uncharted #1. Unfortunately my PS3 has started acting up and I think it's beyond time I try and find somewhere I can take it in for cleaning and possible fixing. It freezes up randomly and it's starting to piss me off. I can only replay the first half of a level so many times before my rage meter blows. I am really looking forward to the Lego Jurassic World game.

Love the T-Rex

image Click to view

I am still being all creative by cross-stitching, drawing, and writing. I have so many WIPs fics started that I need to finish it's not even funny. I just get so many ideas, lol. Maybe I'll try posting a few unfinished ones anyway and see what happens. I've been writing Avengers (movie verse) and Glee a lot lately, but I still do Magnificent 7 and other random crossovers too! You can always catch my fic at AO3 under tpena19 http://archiveofourown.org/users/tpena19/pseuds/tpena19/works

Finally finished this one.

WIP Ezra Standish


ezra standish, cross-stitching, my art, magnificent 7, pic, animals, good news, lego video games

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