Mon, 17:41: RT @ mishacollins: .@ monicalewinsky, welcome to Twitter! I'm sure u remember ur fellow intern (fondly I hope) but to refresh ur memory: http…
Wed, 12:48: RT @ OsricChau: .@ iAmKelseyx When you all welcomed me into the SPNFamily, I took it really seriously. You're never getting rid of me. #Super…
Tue, 09:04: RT @ OsricChau: E4K is soon upon us and Misha Collins, Cinde Monsam and I will be doing a joint kayaking excursion for Chariteh!... http://t…
Sat, 19:58: RT @ mishacollins: I know it's not typically cool to take pictures of guys at the urinal, but this guy just kept staring at us... http://t.c…