nicetomatoes and you.
Setting: Anywhere between the dorms and the cafeteria
Format: Whichever you prefer
Summary: Romana's tired, not thinking properly and there are people who want her dead. Which she doesn't realise. And then she gets killed.
Warnings: Gore, language, violence and like mentioned above, death by one
latomatetas (
I've lost myself again and I feel unsafe )
Comments 5
She has heard Francisca calling out for Shou on the intercoms, the worry lacing the blond's voice, and she couldn't help but feel worry for her own charge. Romana... they experimented on her, taking away her flesh, but was that all they took away?
Blade in hand, Spain looks for the younger nation, determined to get answers. ]
[ She shakes her head, frowning. This may be Romana's flesh, or what's left of it, but after the experimentation, who's to say it's still the same person? The body might be hers, but the mind might not be. And how dare she use Spain's human name? ]
No, you're not her. Who are you?
Spagna... it's me, Romana... Chiara. Chi... Chiquita.
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