Characters: Roxas, his roomies, and anyone else who pokes their head in.
Setting: Room 1-16.
Format: Starting prose, matching you~
Summary: Hey, there's a new, occupied room on the floor- and it seems to be full of...yawning?
Warnings: Rox is the master of being oblivious. Also, Ven may potentially threadhop any comment thread on this entry, fair
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A chill runs down his spine, and he sits up, remembering. He goes to clutch at his chest, but his thoughts are interrupted as he realizes what he's wearing - and where he is. This isn't Cous Coussier, nor is it the hospital that Date and Gotou brought him to before.
His head was already swimming (though that might have been from sitting up too fast), but with a shake of his head, he finally glanced around the room and realized there were other people there. One of them had...mumbled something he thought, he hadn't quite caught it, but another person had definitely said something.
"Hey!" Ven greeted with an attempt to sound cheerful despite the confusion. "Uh....where are we?"
Roxas picked his head up a foot off the bed, giving the first guy a very brief look. He was back to lying down before the other voice spoke up and...wait a minute. "Huh?"
Why did it sound like he'd just said "Hey!"...? He hadn't spoken out loud, had he? Maybe his ears were messed up from the fall or something...biology wasn't his strong suite. Regardless, he leaned up on his elbows, shifting sorely to...stare at himself from across the room. A beat. Another beat.
And then Roxas just flopped back down on his bed, covering his face and head with his forearms because this was obviously just another one of his many hallucinations.
"It's a very good question - as is why we're all dressed the same," he added, patting down the weird suit for a moment, then swinging his feet over the side of the bed.
Woof. Better slow that down, tiger.
Then Eiji noticed a note on his bedside table, and unfolded it to read...
"Good morning! Are you new? I haven't seen you 'round here before."
"Uh...good morning." Roxas didn't seem eager to sit up, but he at least leaned up on an elbow, facing the doorway. "I guess I'm new? Uh, you wouldn't happen to know where the doctor is...?"
He smiled.
"That's me!"
" I okay?" He's bothered by the lack of bones-being-powder and all. "...uh, I mean, can I go now?"
[sadly her momentum was going forward when she was trying to go backwards and she ends up tumbling over]
Hi! I'm Molly Hayes! You're new!
Yes. I am new.
[...oh, right.]
Do you know where the doctors are, or something...?
There's a doctory place! I can show you!
Uh, sure. But I'm not sure if I should be getting up and all.
[Pause, then picks his head up.]
I, did sort of fall off a building. ...I think. [He looks very unsure.]
This particular troll is peeking at you around the corner of your doorway, eyes wide and curious.]
... ... ...
[...however he seems inable to respond to gray-candycorn-alien-catgirl.]
You get this face back, Rox.]
And okay I lied, have THIS face instead.]
Is everything quite alright, in there?
[Grumblegrumble to himself.]
Can you make any sense of what's going on here? [Maybe you'd know what was going on if you'd stop assuming things, Rox. And, idk, woulda asked this from the get go.]
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