voice/action (007)

Oct 23, 2008 21:42

[is not aware his gadget is turned on. can hear him talking to himself, scribbling stuff down as he tries to focus despite obvious hotel distractions. not really saying anything that makes sense for a while, just several phrases and words that don't link to one another] Battles, battles, battles... [there are several pauses of silence in between, followed by sounds of exasperation before the sound of writing happens again] I get it already.

Excluded from... History. Up to that point... [cut short by more silence as he writes down] Just ink on paper. The only thing that matters is-- to, record, the e...vents. [nods a bit satisfied, tapping the pencil against the notepad he is using to write]

[altogether stops writing, just sitting back as he goes through what he just wrote down] I kind of understand, being disappointed in humans. Always arguing and acting unnecessarily in violence. ...why ask me [sounds a bit more annoyed at himself by this point] when you were the one asking?

(ooc; lmfao uhm. B| reading through the epic angst chapters, RESULT.)


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