Blog Post: Frank

May 04, 2013 23:08

5.3.13 let's take a closer look, shall we?...

ok, i don't know if you all have really taken the time to appreciate my last photographic post or not. but lets take a moment to backtrack and bathe in the glory that is sweet pea a.k.a. sweat pea a.k.a. sweet peter a.k.a. sneaky pete. a.k.a. dog navarro a.k.a. little brittle a.k.a. goddamnit stop licking the fucking couch!
first order of business: look at those fucking eyes. sweet pea has the eyes of a 103 year old delta blues musician. she's obviously seen some shit you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy... possibly done to her by someone that looks just like you, but still has enough class inside to to give you the benefit of the doubt and probably call you sweet honey child or some cute bullshit nickname if she could in fact speak english words.
back story: so when i first met sweet pea my wife and i were volunteering at a chihuahua rescue in los angeles. we were each given an animal to show around and help find a permanent home for. i asked the woman in charge what kind of chihuahua sweet pea was and i'm pretty sure she said 'i have no not even sure if she's actually a dog. but she's really sweet and tiny and old and desperately needs a home.' at that point in sweet peas life all that was really known about her was that her paper work had an unfortunate typo, her name was listed as sweat pea not sweet pea, and she was currently living in what was the equivalent of a doggie orphanage. (she was annie, but like if annie looked like rizzo from the muppets and had 3 rotten teeth and a dandruff problem. hard knock life indeed.) anyway, that day i showed her around to anyone and everyone that would listen. most people sneered at the look of her. exclaiming 'ew, what is that?' to which i would naturally reply 'oh it's a mirror into your soul, you fucking shallow prick.' surprisingly this got us no where.
poor sweat pea was never given a chance that day. yes her breath smelled, her wirey coat was a tad on the ridiculous side, and her lumpy figure (on account of her multiple fatty tumors) were off putting. but her personality was that of the greatest companion any of these jerks could ever ask for... but fuck em, they didn't deserve her. as the hours went on and the day came to a close the only person who had the privilege of hanging out with peter was me...and i must say i fell in love. we made a connection... fuck you i know she's a dog, but somehow i got the impression she knew what was going on. and even though we didn't find her the home she desperately needed that day, i knew that in fact we did. anyway yadda yadda yadda we took her home later that week and i've been taking care of her old ass for the last 4 years. so back to her headshot...
look at that fucking wizard beard!?! when we first got her home i had to open that sewer mouth of hers and trim out grey beard hairs that had turned a sickly yellow/orange from her sucking on them.. haha. shit was a gross as it sounds.
moving on...
look at that xena warrior princess chest piece. shits dope right? it's like she's badass enough to know that dressing like a road warrior is badass, but chic enough to know that brightly colored denim is in these days... so instead of looking like a 'leatherstud' she's all rihanna about it.
no one knows how old sweet pea really is, but carbon dating has placed her birth around the cretaceous period. she is wise beyond my years and she loves to dance to pop music. if you shake her sometimes she will tell you your fortune like a magic 8 ball. she urinates right in front of the back door regularly because she knows that i will love her no matter what. she is my sweet honey child, but smells nothing like what that title would suggest. she is my friend and i am happy we found each other.

don't judge a book by its grimey ass cover. take a chance once in awhile. sometimes you will get burned, but sometimes it ends up being worth your while. chances make life worth living. xofrnk

frank,, blog:frank, blog

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