In a
previous post,
pozorvlak and I wondered about the differences between the thought processes that goes into writing good static code, and those that go into good dynamic code. We figured that there wasn't a lot out there to help dynamic programmers get the hang of static style thinking, so what follows is a simple little toy example, solved in what I
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Comments 18
splitWith :: (a -> Bool)-> [a] ->[[a]]
splitWith fn lst =
case (break fn lst) of
(a, []) -> [a]
(a, b:cs) -> a : splitWith fn cs
split :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
split = splitWith . (==)
I knew break :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) from the Prelude, so I went looking for a way to recurse into the second element and drop its head (the match, traditionally dropped in a split). De-structuring pattern match looked the simplest.
Thanks for the fold link - I'll take a look.
Well, speaking as someone who really doesn't have enough experience of Haskell, I found totherme's more detailed thought processes (and many of the comments here, including yours) to be more helpful than any number of "beautiful", impenetrable programs plucked whole from the skull of Zeus - Haskell has quite enough of those already :-)
That stack overflow page is great - thanks!
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