I Don't Want To Dream Anymore - Standalone

Aug 11, 2012 02:24

Title: I Don't Want To Dream Anymore
Pairing: Not really pairing, but I suppose it'd be Alex/Totodile? LMAO! No, probably Jack/Alex
Rating: G
Summary: Alex came to America from England with his parents, to be met with something extraordinary!
Warning: Warning? It's not so much a warning than a fanbase cross-over - ATL and Pokemon ;)
Disclaimer: This is purely fictional; extracted from my imagination, typed up and posted to the internet
A/N: I just really love Pokemon, so much, and I want it to be so real. But All Time Low and Pokemon is like feels everywhere! And I am aware that it isn't well written, it's half two in the morning and the idea just came to me, so shush!

Walking off the plane, his hand in his mother's, the seven year old had a grin spread wide across his face. Alex clambered into the car and hugged his father whom he hadn't seen for just over a week now since he flew out the Monday before.

'Things are going to be so much better out here, now.' He placed his hand on his wife's and smiled. The pair of them turned around and smiled at their son who was buckled into the back seat with his Nintendo DS sitting on his lap.

'You play that thing too much, Alex, you'll hurt your eyes.' His mother lectured as Alex tapped away at the buttons, his eyes staring at the lit screens. He glanced up at his mother after pausing the game to stick his tongue out before looking at the screen once more, resuming game play.


The house was huge, Alex thought. He stared in awe at the detached building. The enormous garden was something he was extremely happy to see; after living in the terraced house in Essex for his whole life, this was luxury. He was tired from the journey, even after sleeping nearly the whole flight.

Alex jumped out of the car and followed his dad to the door, jogging on the spot with excitement; he rushed into the house as soon as the door was opened.

'Calm down, son, you don't know where you're going yet!' Alex's dad's voice boomed through the open-plan downstairs. To the right was the kitchen, an island in the middle surrounded by stools upon which Alex would be happy to eat his meals. To the left was a small lounge, a settee in the centre and a TV mounted on the wall, and behind which was another room, a larger room for entertaining guests - a room in which Alex had decided he would bring his own guests into, his own friends to play with. 'Shall we go and see your room?' Alex's dad looked down at the small boy. Alex's eyes lit up and a smile widened between his lips.

Alex burst into his new bedroom and looking around he jumped up with excitement. It was twice as big as the one back in England. Alex ran up to his bed and jumped onto it. He looked up to a window in the sloping ceiling and back to the door.

'This is amazing!' He nearly screamed at his parents who were both now stood in the doorway. He looked around the room, looking at the book-case, the chests of drawers, the wardrobe, the desk. He was so happy with his room. He ran over to his toy chest and opened it up.

'We haven't put your toys in it yet, Alex, you've only just got here.' Alex's mum rolled her eyes as he looked up at her, wondering why the chest was empty.


Alex was sat in the kitchen with his parents, eating his food when he perked up suddenly and smiled a devious little smile,

'Now we're here, do I still have to go to school?' He asked them. Alex's mum and dad laughed together and exchanged a glance,

'Of course you do! You're starting the day after tomorrow.' Alex's mood swapped, he pouted and folded his arms.

'But I don't want to.'

'You will want to when you find out you don't have to wear uniform any-more.' Alex perked up once again. He smiled and finished eating his food.


'Class, we have a new pupil. He's flown all the way from England to be with us today!' The teacher said as she stood at the front of the class, Alex by her side. Alex stared out to the other faces of the children of the class. There were at least fifteen other children and they were all looking up at him. He swallowed as the teacher said the dreaded words, 'So tell the class about yourself.'

'I- I- um, I'm Alex and I moved from Essex which is in England, on Monday. I'm going to be eight in December and, um-' He looked to the teacher who smiled at him. He looked back out to the class and noticed that all of the children had small red and white balls in their hands, or by their sides, or in their laps. He frowned and looked back to the teacher, whom he also noticed had a red and white ball sitting on her desk, alongside a second one. Alex had noticed before the grumpy child at the back of the class with black hair, sitting without a ball and his arms folded across his chest.

'Are you OK?' The teacher asked, Alex nodded in response and pointed to the balls and asked what they were. The teacher smiled and picked the ball up. 'This is known as Pokeball,' she tossed it in the air and held it out in front of her when she caught it. She clicked the button in the middle which released the bottom half of the capsule. A red beam was emitted which released a creature, 'this is called a Pokemon. This is my Pokemon, a Lilligant.' Alex stood in awe as he watched the swaying, flowering, plant-like monster. 'In this country, people are accompanied by Pokemon from a very young age; you've noticed all your classmates have one.' Alex nodded. 'Alex, I want you to sit with Zack and Rian. Zack, Rian would you raise your hands so Alex knows who you are?' Two boys at the back of the class raised their hands. One had curly hair and the other had next-to-no hair at all. Alex walked over to them and sat on the floor with them. 'Jack, you can sit back with your friend's now, and here you go.' She tossed the pokeball on her desk towards the young boy. 'Please behave, now.' Jack caught the ball and smiled as he approached Zack and Rian. Alex sat down next to Jack who smiled at him.

'I'm Jack!' The black haired boy said and smiled.

'Alex.' Alex whispered back.


'I made some friends today.' Alex told his parents.

'Did you? What are their names?' Alex's mum asked,

'Zack, Jack and Rian. They're nice. But everyone at school has these balls with monsters in, they called them, um...'

'Pokemon?' Alex's dad asked. Alex nodded. 'I wasn't going to give it to you yet, but I have one for you.' Alex's eyes lit up. His jaw dropped as he stared at his gleeful father, 'But I think you should have it now. The lab I'm working at had a set of three. Two young children were given two of them and I requested one for you. My boss didn't see a problem with it so I got you the remaining one.' He stood up from the table and wandered over to his bag sitting by the stairs. He rustled through it and pulled out a red and white capsule, a pokeball. 'Here you are.' Alex's dad tossed the ball towards Alex. Alex caught it skilfully and jumped down from the table.

'Do you have to do this now?' Alex's mum asked, but Alex and his dad ignored her comment.

Alex pressed the button on the front of the small ball and watched as the white bottom dropped, A small monster was released, just like the teacher's had at school that morning.

'It's a Totodile. You can name it if you like? It's a water type pokemon.' The totodile fumbled about for a bit before staring up at Alex and running at him. The small crocodile-like pokemon hugged Alex's leg. Alex bent down and spoke to it,

'Totodile! Wow!' Alex grinned and rubbed his hand on the pokemon's head. The Totodile seemed to smile at the touch.

'Now, can you put it away and finish your tea?' Alex's mum asked.

'Does it have to go away?' Alex looked up at his dad,

'You can keep her out if you want to, she doesn't have to stay in her ball, but I think she will have to while you're at school.' Alex nodded and clambered back onto the stool and finished his tea.


'Today, class, I'm going to let you all have your pokemon out at play time, but remember to play nicely with each other, and no battling, OK?' The teacher told the class. The dozen or so children nodded their heads and spoke in synchrony,

'Yes Miss Granger.'

Alex, Jack, Zack and Rian ran outside before anyone else.

'I have one now! My dad brought me my own pokemon home!' Alex told his new friends.

'Oh, let us see!' Jack said excitedly. Alex released his Totodile and smiled as the pokemon crept towards him and held onto his leg.

'Totodile, these are my friends, Zack, Jack and Rian!' Totodile approached the three other boys and let out a small cry of rejoice. Zack sent out his pokemon who began playing with the Totodile immediately. 'What's that one?'

'That's my Eevee!' Zack replied. Rian released his,

'This is my Growlithe!' His Growlithe didn't play with the two other pokemon, he simply sat by Rian and occasionally barked when the other two pokemon came too near. Jack sent out his pokemon.

'This is my Shinx. The Shinx mewed and rubbed itself against Jack before approaching Alex and rubbing itself against him. The Shinx accidently released a small charge of electricity which shocked Alex instantly.

'Ow!' Alex exclaimed, making the Shinx retreat to Jack, and Alex's Totodile to come running towards him. The Totodile inspected Alex's leg where the Shinx had burnt.

'I'm sorry.' Jack apologised. He ran to the English boy and hugged him. Alex leant in to the hug and smiled.

'It's OK.' Jack and Alex broke the hug and both blushed slightly.

Zack's Eevee ran to him and cried before running off with Jack's Shinx and Alex's Totodile. The other children were out on the playground, their pokemon cluttering up the tarmac and the surrounding air. Alex was glad that this was where he had moved to, Alex could get used to this.

zack merrick, shinx, alex gaskarth, all time low, rian dawson, eevee, growlithe, pokemon, rating: g, lilligant, jack barakat, totodile

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