He sure is the nuts, I think I have him as a random LJ interest, which perhaps is going to far. I still lament forgetting what his nickname for me was in the dream where he and I were fighting over Kate.
My dear apologies Steve, I have been informed that my birthday text to you did not arrive:O I hope that you had a grand time and that it's absence was not felt.
Coo' coo' thanks. In protest I deleted every single item in my text message inbox because it keeps annoying me with the whole "memory running out" and i've been too lazy, and maybe that was the problem.
Ugh I just did the exact same thing. It saves NOTHING on the phone memory but numbers and SMS, with everything else going to the memory card, so it saved hundreds of the bastard things and after deleting what I thought was a big chunk twice it still kept coming up.
Comments 8
The fish biscuits are probly the best characters in the whole darn show.
By this i mean the Sawyer art, but also the icon
I guess I'll never know...
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