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Comments 14

lezi February 24 2010, 22:53:10 UTC
...I loved this. Puck, being all "I'm Your Buddy" to Kurt obviously had the out-of-character potential, but I think you managed to keep both Puck and Kurt in-line. (:

Can't wait for more, hun! I want to see what Puck can do, and I so want to see his reaction to figuring out why he's starting to care more about Kurt.


totalgleekgirl February 25 2010, 21:55:41 UTC
Thank you. Puck was being a douche for most of this chapter, so I'm glad it worked out well!

It's gonna get worse before it gets better, I think I know how I want chapter four to go, it's just getting the boys to cooperate. (Well Puck, Kurt's been pretty good lol)

Thanks for your comment love!


bl4ckm4lice February 24 2010, 23:34:53 UTC
Yessss you updated :D
Ah Kurt is getting more tired :( I hope Puck can help him in a way or another soon


totalgleekgirl February 25 2010, 21:57:01 UTC
Yes, sorry about that wait, Puck was being particularly difficult and did not want work the way I wanted him to.

Yes, unfortunately things are going to get worse before they get better for poor Kurt.

Thank you so much for your comment, and your Icon made me go "Awwww!"


samelthecamel February 25 2010, 00:37:20 UTC
poor kurt. hopefully puck can work out a way to make it easier for him.
I <3 this story. I can't wait for more. :)


totalgleekgirl February 25 2010, 21:58:13 UTC
Oh thank you, I'm so happy you like this story! My first that wasn't a prompt I believe.

I'm always worried about doing chaptered pieces because I'm afraid if I get stuck it'll never get done, but this one so far seems to be going ok.

Thanks so much for your comment love!


shizam_i_am February 25 2010, 01:56:12 UTC
yay update! what a great chapter. poor kurt though! but puck was very adorable in this. and this:

He really didn’t make it a habit to break into people’s homes to watch them sleep, so this felt a little awkward.

*coughedwardcullenstabcough* was awesome (whether intentional or not.) :-p
and the last line was ADORABLE.

great job as usual! thanks for writing and sharing this! :D


totalgleekgirl February 25 2010, 21:59:28 UTC
Thank you, I'm so happy you liked this chapter, especially after all the trouble I had with it!

I'm not a twilight-er, so it's not intentional, but really that's just creepy.

Thanks so much for the comment!


fincalian February 25 2010, 05:31:19 UTC
more! \o/ also, i love your mood theme


totalgleekgirl February 25 2010, 22:00:31 UTC
Oh thank you!

Ah my mood theme, I love it so. Check out Mood Mania on LJ, they have some great sets, that's where I found this one.

I'll try not to make you guys wait so long for chapter four, but it all just depends on if Puck still insists on being a douche or not lol.

Thanks for the comment!


fincalian February 26 2010, 01:21:58 UTC
i will look at mood mania. i've had cute penguins for toooo long.

i hope the next chapter comes out soon. i love multi chapter fics, even if i have to wait


totalgleekgirl February 27 2010, 04:26:22 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. Like I said, I'll try not to make you wait to long for an update! :)


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