My Sinuses hurt, and a glee update from me.

May 04, 2012 14:25

So I have a sinus infection and it's driving me crazy. My face really hurts, and there isn't a whole lot more I can do, I've already been to the doctor, the meds just aren't working just yet. It's really annoying, but hell I'll live. It might just be nice to have a few moments to rest, but my little one is a mover and a shaker and even right now in ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

*good times icon* kirke_novak May 4 2012, 18:41:40 UTC
Sinuses infections suuuuck. I used to have them all the time but then it all just... stopped.


Re: *good times icon* totalgleekgirl May 5 2012, 02:30:59 UTC
I wish mine would just stop. I'm glad yours did though.


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totalgleekgirl May 5 2012, 02:33:12 UTC
It does, and the headaches that go with it, oh lord, it sucks.

I'll probably stick it out till the end of season three, but really I'm just kind of disgusted with what they've done with it.

I'm not saying an odd reminiscent fic won't pop up from time to time, but really, I'm just kind of tired of being let down by Glee.


rofro05 May 4 2012, 19:44:18 UTC
I'll miss you! But I also do understand that it's hard to watch when you keep getting let down. And I also understand that it hard to keep writing fic when you aren't really watching the show. I think that I'll at least wait and see how the next season starts before I give up completely.

I hope that we can still talk from time to time :)


totalgleekgirl May 5 2012, 02:34:27 UTC
Aw, I'll still be around some! I'll PM you in a little while to see if you have any messenger services, we can always talk that way! I'm just kind of disgusted with how everything is going, and I'm tired of being let down all season long. So I think I'll stick out season three, and I'll ask you how season 4 goes!


junnights May 5 2012, 09:27:54 UTC
I do understand the dilemma... but I'll continue to watch and listen (the music is AWESOME!)... did the same with Naruto and Bleach... just... stopped watching. But then... well - you could try to write how you THINK it should have gone though... - only thing with those two fandoms I do is read fanfic... cause I doubt the storyline is worth watching... and make your own 'glee'... but if you're not... at least you'll have made a lot of readers happy:) Hope you get better soonish too:)


totalgleekgirl May 5 2012, 13:55:23 UTC
I'm not even liking a lot of the music their doing anymore honestly. It's not the cast, I love the cast, it's just the writing is getting really bad in my opinion and I really dislike how most of the characters are being handled.

Sadly, this happens with TV shows sometimes. Thank you!


alter_alterego May 7 2012, 02:23:43 UTC
Hey, sweetie!

From the comms I visited, you're definitely not alone in your feelings. I know die-hard fans from the pilot episode who figure they'll probably be calling it quits after this season finale.

A while back, I had my own personal epiphany: I'm in it for the fandom. I've made some awesome friends. Tumblr .gifs rock the casbah. Fanfiction? Hell, I often prefer it to canon. As for the show itself, I like to watch it when I can, enjoy the moments worth enjoying (i.e.: Rory/Sam's discussion about shrub vs. bush, Kurt describing Carmen's Medea aria as the "I'm a-killing my babies" aria, etc.), and do my best to shrug off the rest.

In other words? I'll always keep on the lookout for updates from you -- be they Kurt-whump fics (and man, how I love my Kurt whump) or pics of your beautiful baby girl.

Enjoy whatever equilibrium you find that makes you happy. And feel free to pop up and say "hi" whenever. :D


totalgleekgirl May 7 2012, 02:37:06 UTC
As with any fandom, I've met some super awesome people I love, and some people I find to ridiculous for words. It's the same in nearly all fandoms, you enjoy what you can and you let go of the rest. I just can't justify watching glee anymore, I don't even enjoy the music at this point anymore, more times than not, I find myself wondering why they picked a certain song. I feel bad for this cast, because they are better than what they're being given in my opinion.

I'm not going to disappear, I've met to many awesome people to do that. I'll still be around, and a fic may pop up every once in a while, but I'll still post, and show pictures. I'll still be around, I might not post fic much anymore, but you won't shake me that easy! ;)


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