Title: There Was A Love Affair In This Building
lit_chick08Pairings: Catelyn/Brandon Stark, Catelyn/Ned, mentions Ned/Ashara Dayne and Ned/Wylla
Rating: R
Spoilers: If you've seen the first season/read the first book, you're fine
Word Count: 8,734
Disclaimer: The characters belong to George RR Martin, HBO, and definitely not to me
Summary: Catelyn
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Comments 13
I've always wondered what it must have been like to Catelyn, having to marry Ned after being betrothed to Brandon, whether or not she loved him--and you brought that to like for wonderfully here <333
&& you dealth with Catelyn's feelings of betrayal and resentment towards Jon Snow and Ned's percieved love for Ashara in such an acute and sympathetic way--really, you have a wonderful grasp of her character (y)
p.s. I'm not sure if you know about this or not, but just in case, the hbo_gotfiction community mods are allowing us to post book related fics as long as we member lock them--I had to make sure you know because I really think all the GoT/ASOIAF fans should be privy to your awesome writing hehe =$
And I didn't know that! Every comm I've found only lets you post show fic and I have a hard time remembering what was in the show/what was in the book, so I just never post anywhere. Thanks for letting me know!
I love it.
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