Title: Rounds of Kink
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Akame~
Genre: PWP
Beta'd By: no one~
Disclaimer: don't own~
Summary: Erotic asphyxiation refers to intentionally cutting off oxygen to the brain for sexual arousal.
Warnings: asphyxiation, sex
Author's Notes: This is because I miss writing kink D8
asphyxiophilia )
Comments 25
It's really cute~ and like.. I know what I mean by gentle >< not physically, but it's all gentle and trusting and full of love and nice happy things >"< infact I like it so much I'm meming it, because you suck and make me like things I hate D8 and it just kinda reminds me of our Akame, but like.. what they'd be like if I didn't fail >>
XDD ♥♥♥♥ I sometimes write it like this~ Xp it's funner that way >.>
♥♥♥♥ yay~ 8D I do not suck D8 I'm persuasive~ ♥♥♥♥♥ you dont fail~ *chu*
It's alot nice that way~ I guess it's like with guro where the reciever can want it or not though >.< va~st difference in niceness there..
♥♥♥♥ XP hnn~ too persuasive for your own good D8 *pout* ♥♥ if you say so XP
Im breathless.
A nod.
Jin licks his lips, staring down at the younger, “Are you ready?”
Kazuya nods again, reaching up and grabbing Jin’s hand, “Ready…” he says, pressing the larger hand against his throat, “Do it~”
I feel slightly reminiscent, because..well yeah. Not bad though, mind you. Because I'm way fucking all for choking Turtle thing. ♥
Jin just chuckles, Thank you very much for giving my Jin a new nickname- He's like, Jin Chuckles the clown or something..>.>
Once Jin gains his rhythm back, he presses harder against Kazuya’s throat, “Do that again slut and I’ll make sure you never breathe again.”
Kazuya bit his lip, the skin numb, “You wouldn’t kill me~” he said confidently, “You love me too much to do that~”
My Junno is proud of your Jin. XDD
this was a useless, long comment? I'll see you on YIM.
>.> he's S D8
despite your Jin being M and being fucked into the table by Junno~
♥♥♥♥♥ XD
But I like it that after all this tension,they go back to being lovey-dovey :D
Yeah~ this kink only works when both people are willing to do it ♥ Trust is important~
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