Mar 16, 2009 02:19

-- finally! Got the little bastard to shut up, now if I can just get him to stop following m-- oh, crap, this thing's on.

Alright, guys, great job leavin' me stranded in the woods and all. Awesome practical joke. It's VERY freakin' funny, especially if you thought I'd be screaming and crying from all the L-word leaves and crap swirling around. Pshaw, well, too bad you guys forgot that I conquered THAT little fear YEARS ago! Now? Now, leaves bounce right offa me! I LAUGH at them!! Heck, just for the hell of it, I totally blasted every tree I could see, and there ain't a single leaf left in sight-- and I'm leaving YOU punks to explain that to whoever owns this freakin' park! Hah, he's gonna be pissed, alright.

"B-But Master, you didn't actually--"

Shut up, you little bastard. Right then, lemme guess. No, wait, don't tell me... Flash froze me, and Quick ran me to the forest. Hah! I bet that's it! That's totally what happened! NOTHING escapes these eyes of mine!! Well, you guys ain't pulling a fast one on ol' Air. I can't see you two doin' it on your own, though. Who put you guys up to this, huh? Was it Crash? Wait, no, he wouldn't have the balls... Metal? Probably not, haven't pissed him off in a while... It might've been Wind, he's been getting kinda uppity, but... aaargh, who the hell could it have BEEN!?

*Ahem.* Anyway, you'd better fess up, 'cause I've been walking for 'bout an hour hours and I'm getting tired real pissed. If you fess up now, I might go easy on you and just punt you across the ocean. If you DON'T... well, I'm gonna find out who did this, and then I'm gonna hunt you down and blast your ass so high up that your freakin' feet won't touch the ground for days. DAYS!!

"Yeah! You'd better do as he says! He's angry~."


((Italics are Betamon, strikes are muttered/inaudible.

Also, shamelessly pasted from app.))

air man, first post

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