Wednesday Administration: Creating a Character Part 1

May 04, 2011 09:17

Maybe none of our current adoptable characters really clicks with you. Maybe you've got a beloved, often-resurrected role-playing character you want to see in this setting. Maybe you've got a story in mind, and the character has just bloomed out of it, refusing to fit into the shoes of any of the existing characters. Whatever the reason, you're ready to create a brand new character for Torn World!

Step 1: Pick a culture and genetic background!

The first major decision is picking a culture to base the character from. The snow-unicorn riders are a relatively homogeneous group, still isolated from the rest of Torn World, and the Empire is a melting pot of interesting cultures.

In the north, most of the people are fair-skinned, dark-haired and light-eyed, with some minor variations.

In the Empire, you can get away with almost any coloring you choose, from very dark-skinned to tow-headed fair. Very odd coloring may get you some hassle from the canon board - violet eyes are extremely rare, and green or pink hair will get you a gentle reminder that this is not an anime setting. Note that the same genetics that are recessive on earth are recessive here, so brown eyes, for example, will be the most common.

If you'd like to start from a specific genetic look, consider jumping off from one of the cultures we've got documented:

The Raalyan are long-limbed and flexible, with black hair and eyes but very fair, sensitive skin.

The Glifai are androgynous and pretty, with straight blonde or brown hair and brown eyes.

The Mayaloi are dark-skinned, and some of them have iridescent black hair and peacock-colored eyes. Note that the Mayaloi were a very early assimilation to the Empire, and originally were considered a slave-race. They no longer live in their original Rainbow Rainforest, and are scattered throughout the Empire. The peacock coloring is recessive, so Mayaloi with the iridescence are relatively rare.

The Yasiluu are best known for their dog-breeding, and tend to be in the mid-ranges in terms of coloring - medium brown hair (sometimes reddish or black), brown or hazel eyes. They have highly sensitive senses of taste and smell.

The Kiffumiyi and Kuleilyi tend to be short and sturdy, with pale to mid-brown skin and very curly hair and brown or gray eyes, with green and blue occasionally.

The people of Mojeveterk are of average height, with pale skin that sunburns, light hair colors from white-blonde to red, as well light brown, and blue, green, gray and the very rare violet eyes.

The Mrunna tend to be large people, big-boned and strong, ranging between blondes and brunettes, with skin in the lightly tanned range. Brown is the most common eye color, with variations in green and hazel, and some shading towards a yellow-ish amber color.

There isn't an article for the Ibabesh people yet (woops!), but we know they are a brown-skinned, brown- and curly-haired, brown-eyed people who had a matriarchal nomadic lifestyle. Their features have been described as distinctive, but not specified.

The Duurludirj are coastal people. Blonde hair is the norm, although it ranges from pale gold through strawberry and rusty blondes into tawny and dark blondes. Light eye colors prevail, including green, blue, and hazel. A rare silver-gray is considered lucky, while dark eyes are unlucky. Their skin is a natural tan, and darkens in the sun. Notably, a form of dwarfism is dominant in this gene-pool, and it is 'normal' for them to be from 3'6" to 4'6". Giant Duurludirj are the minority, and are often about 6'0" tall.

In the Empire, there is a great deal of genetic and cultural mixing; children often move away from home to pursue education, and there is careful emphasis on tolerance and acceptance. So it is completely plausible to pick genetic traits from several different cultures and mix them into a character with the features you're looking for.

Next week, we'll look at education and occupation, and think about what kind of rank and background your character should have.

For the snow-unicorn riders, a great starting article for character-building is this one. For the Empire, start here!

And, remember to vote for us at Top Web Fiction!

handbook, administration, making a character

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