Ianto wasn't sure whether he was grateful that Sulu was able to carry him or not. On one hand, he really couldn't walk without passing out anymore, so he supposed it was really for the best that Sulu was as strong as he was, but at the same time...it was rather embarrassing, to be carried through the hallways of the Enterprise, having people that
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Sulu could hear the worry in Ianto's tone, and knew exactly what he was talking about. The fact of the matter was that none of them had really recovered from this whole thing. It would take more time than Ianto and Jack were probably comfortable with. Hell, it would take more time than Sulu was really comfortable with. Still, there was no changing that.
He sighed, scribbling quick notes on the padd and picking up a hypo. "Ianto, I understand Torchwood has basically nothing in terms of backup? Structure? People who review what's been happening with you guys and give you counselling and support?"
"There's...there's nothing. Torchwood...well. It isn't the organization that it used to be. We're the only branch left. And it's only Jack, Gwen, and me, so... No. Nothing, certainly not in the support area. We. We don't even have a doctor working for us anymore, not since Owen...not since our doctor, Owen Harper, was killed in the line of duty... And since the Hub blew up, well. We don't even have a base, at the moment. We're..." He swallowed. "Things aren't all too good at the moment, to say the least."
But then again, there was the issue of Torchwood. Jack had sounded hesitant about even inviting Ianto back into it - and who could blame him, really? But he knew that Ianto would never let Jack push him away from Torchwood, and even though Sulu hated the idea of having to risk Ianto again, he wouldn't stop the other man from strong-arming Jack into letting him help again. That didn't mean he'd like it, necessarily, but... he would accept it. He didn't say anything about that either, though. Actually, he was all but silent on both matters, though his expression indicated he wasn't too happy with what he was thinking.
"You're telling me you've got a nice little co-dependent unit suffering from serious trauma both emotional and physical, and you don't have anyone to step in to look after you properly because there are no higher-ups and your doctor's passed away," he said briskly, showing sympathy in the quirk of his lips. "Right. Well, I'm not Torchwood, and I obviously can't give you orders, but I am CMO on this ship and while you're here you're under my care. If Jack and Gwen turn up here I'll damn well do what I can for them, too."
He touched Ianto's shoulder lightly. "You've got Hikaru, and now you've got me, too. This is a ridiculous situation, but you're not alone, son. Lean on us."
But no. He wasn't going to think like that. McCoy was going to do his best here, and Sulu was going to be there for him in any way he could and so was Jack and they were going to beat this. They had to beat this. There was so much more that Ianto wanted to do. He was only 27 years old, he still had all the time in the world, it seemed, if he just got past this ( ... )
"You keep saying you're terrible at optimism, but you've been doing pretty well so far," he said with a small grin, before looking to McCoy with a more careful expression. "Between us, though... Jack has been taking a lot of this pretty badly. And I haven't even talked to Gwen..." He felt a little guilty about that, since he did like her, but he'd been occupied with Jack and Ianto and all of this. It was hard to tear himself away from it.
He squeezed Sulu's shoulder, making it clear that he had sympathy for him, then he met Ianto's eyes meaningfully. "Ianto, I'll do what I can for everyone involved. Just keep talking, okay? If you keep telling people what's wrong, we can do something about it."
Fortunately, this was not bad news. He finished running a quick bloodwork analysis on his padd, then looked up, nodding. "I can't promise a complete fix," he said crisply. "I don't know enough about this yet. But I can definitely substantially improve how you're feeling, and I am confident that I will find a long term fix."
He turned to McCoy again. "Doctor. If... If something happens, if you need permission to do something, and I'm not able to give it. Jack or Sulu. I'm giving the pair of them the right to make it for me. And... If for some reason, they're unavailable, then. I give you permission to do anything that you think you'll need to to fix things. I..." He blushed. "I'm not sure if that's how it works, anymore, needing permission for things, but that's how it works back where I from, so. Yeah. Is that alright?"
He lifted a hypo. "I'm gonna have to take some blood, and a couple other samples. In spite of what you may've heard, it doesn't really hurt. That okay with you?"
(OOC: please feel free to NPC him taking samples etc, with whatever amount of pain you deem fitting!)
He turned, watching McCoy for a second, wincing a bit as another sample was a little less mild than the others. "Then again," he said, "I suppose that this could be a lot more unpleasant if the doctor decides to make it be that way." He turned to look up at Sulu again. "At least it's not a hospital, though. I'm kind of glad that it's different enough not to remind me of the fact that...well, that's still kind of what this place is, technically. But I mean...for one," he motioned to the monitors behind him, taking his readings like magic, without even being hooked up to anything. "How does that even work?"
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