Title: Never Gonna Happen
Rating: G
Pairing/Character(s): Ianto Jones, Captain Jack Harkness, Kurt Angle
Summary: There is an alien on the lose
Warnings: cheap humor
Length: short
Word Count: 401
Chapter #: (1/1)
WIP or Complete: Complete
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood and I don't know Kurt Angle.
Author's Note: I had a creative writing assignment to write something that included something you hated and something you loved together. So I hate Kurt Angle and Love Ianto Jones. Crazy Fangirly Story ensues.
The team scrambled around the building trying to find a way in that wasn't crowded by people. Their scans had onloy just said something alien was near their base. Something on him had blocked him long enough so they had to scramble to think of an idea to capture him. He belonged in their vaults, if he wasn't a visitor to the country he would've been in there already. Ianto and Jack moved away from the team as they blended in with the crowd. They had to find a way backstage, they had to aprehend him as soon as they could. He was a danger to all.
Ianto walked up quickly to one of the security guards and stunned him, catching him before he fell to the ground. Jack rushed past him and into the back ready to stun anyone that came across his path. He didn't care if it ruined the show that was going on. He needed to capture the freek as soon as possible. They followed his signal all the way down to the end of the hall. The name on the door read Kurt Angle. Jack and Ianto stood on either side of the door. Nodding to each other Jack kicked down the door. Kurt was sitting in a robe staring at the duo in front of him.
"Who are you?" Kurt said stupidly when he was surrounded by the five
team members.
"Don't move!" Ianto yelled, his Welsh accent a stark contrast to
Kurt's American accent. "You're comming with us!"
"Now why would I do that?" Kurt almost laughed.
"Because you're an alien!" Jack said holding the gun directly at Kurt ready to shoot if needed.
"I don't think so," Kurt said grinning.
Quickly he punched Jack knocking him into the wall. He lunged for Ianto knocking his stun gun out of his hand, pushing him to the ground he grabbed Iantos foot and twisted it. Ianto felt a little twinge in his ankle but nothing that terrible. He rolled his eyes, of course his wreslting would be fake. He scrambled toward the guns, reaching he grabbed Jack's gun. Turning around quickly he fired one shot into Kurt's shoulder. Knocking him into the wall. Ianto picked himself up, brushing off his suit pants he picked up his stun gun. Slowly he walked over to Kurt Angle pointing the gun at his forehead.
"By the way," Ianto stunned him "You suck."