Fic: Helping, for alafaye

Dec 26, 2010 22:56

Title: Helping
Username: [To be announced]
Recipient: alafaye
Rating: PG-13 (for sexy talk and sexy action)
Warnings: Slash, John Hart
Prompts: Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Owen, Jack and Ianto bonding over fixing the rift manipulator or something equally geeky/techy, hand jobs
Notes: Meant to be smuttier than this, but this is what came out.
Summary: Jack glared. “Time was, you were threatening Ianto's life trying to get me back.”

"So, about that orgy?"

“Shut up, John,” Ianto growled as he tapped at the numbered panel.

The man hand up his hands. “What? I'm not the one that got us stuck in here. That was your boyfriend.”

Jack glared. “Time was, you were threatening Ianto's life trying to get me back.”

John shrugged. “Things change, hotter conquests to be had, you know how it goes.”

“Please,” Ianto sighed, “I am trying to concentrate.”

“Have I mentioned how sexy you are when you concentrate?” Jack asked with a wink.

Ianto lifted his head to send his boyfriend an incredulous look. “We are stuck in a small room with your psychotic-”

“Hey!” John protested, then tilted his head. “Actually, that's about right.” He resumed juggling his two guns.

Ianto continued, “-psychotic ex and you are hitting on me while I am trying to free us. Do you never want to play naked hide and seek ever again? Is that it?”

John sat up straight and turned to Jack. “Naked hide and seek? You play naked hide and seek with him?” John accused. “I taught you naked hide and seek!”

Jack coughed and tapped at his earbud. “Hey, Tosh, any chance you've found a way to get us out of here from where you are?”

“No,” the tinny voice crackled over the line. “Ianto's got to disconnect the main routing wire and reconnect it to the... are you yawning?”

Jack snapped his mouth shut. “...No. I like technobabble, remember? Good for the soul.”

He could almost hear her eye roll over the static and Ianto gave a matching one across the room.

“To cut things short,” Owen's voice came over the line, “Ianto's got to work some technical magic before Tosh can work her technical magic.”

Jack tapped his earbud again to cut the connection and shuffled across the floor to where Ianto sat, fiddling with a number pad attached to the door. “Can I help?”

Ianto gave him a wary look, but it was soon replaced with a smile. “Sure. I've got to find the correct seven digit number sequence to let me open the panel, everything else is just attaching wires to other wires.”

John suddenly appeared over Jack's shoulder, “Can I help too?” He looked between the two men.

“You could sit quietly in the corner while the grown ups work,” Ianto replied.

Frowning, John retreated to the section of wall he'd been leaning against before. “Spoilsports. It's an entire planet full of cock teases.”

Jack tossed his earbud at John. “Shut up and tell Tosh we're in. Ask her which of the wires we need to connect this to.”

John grinned. “Can you at least acknowledge the ways in which that sentence-”

“John,” Ianto growled, “you said you wanted to help. Ask Tosh which wire.”

Shrugging, the captain put the comm in and tapped it. “Calling the gorgeous geek in the glasses.”

“Watch it,” Owen warned. “She's mine.”

“Care to share?”

Jack and Ianto were able to hear the response from across the small room. A very resounding no, with some swear words thrown in.

“Owen, I didn't know you could curse in Welsh,” Ianto replied into his own comm.

“Couldn't be out on the pull in this place without picking up some of the naughtier phrases,” Owen answered.

Ianto nodded his head, even though the doctor couldn't see it. “Fair point.”

Tosh interrupted. “Yes, yes, sordid pasts all around. Ianto, you're in?”

“We're in. Jack helped,” he said, making Jack preen.

“I called you,” John added, wanting his contribution to be acknowledged as well.

“You'll get a biscuit later,” Ianto snarked. He listened to Tosh's instructions and nodded, relaying them to Jack to carry out.

Tosh was finishing up, “And then just connect those last two wires, shut the panel and-”

“We're out!” Ianto crowed as the three of them stumbled into the clear night, leaving the warehouse behind.

“Like we didn't know that already,” Owen said, but Ianto could hear the relief in the other man's voice that his friends... and John... were okay.

Jack leaned forward to talk to the others, hot breath whispering over Ianto's ear. “We're on our way back to the Hub.”

“The bloody hell we are,” Ianto shook his head. “We're heading home. Take the night off and go on a date you two. Call Gwen in, get her on Rift duty.”

“Yes sir,” Tosh giggled as she cut her comm.

Jack tilted his head. “I could have sworn I was in command here.”

Ianto grinned. “Only at Torchwood, sir.”

Jack shivered at the honorific.

“So, about that or-”

“Goodbye, John,” Jack and Ianto chorused, not taking their eyes from each other.

John pouted. “Fine,” he stepped off a few feet. “I'm going to a planet where it's fun.”

Jack smiled. “Try the Beaches of Sapphosa. Planet of gorgeous, naked women.”

“Right,” John pushed some buttons on his wrist strap and disappeared.

Ianto turned to Jack and put his arms around his lover's shoulders. “I'm just going to assume that's a planet of lesbians who are going to try and kill him.”

Jack laughed. “Always the brilliant one, Ianto Jones.” He kissed the younger man.

Ianto pulled Jack in closer and spun them around until Jack's was backed up against the exterior of the warehouse.

“Are we-” Jack asked.

In response, Ianto just placed his hand over Jack's rapidly hardening cock.

“Yes we are,” Jack answered himself as he attacked Ianto's mouth again.

Their trousers were hurriedly opened and Ianto whispered, “I want to try something.” He pushed Jack's hand away and took both their cocks into his own hand, stroking them together.

Jack threw back his head and groaned in pleasure. “Yes,” he hissed.

“Been wanting to do this for ages,” Ianto said as he stroked faster. “Get us off like this.”

“So good,” Jack panted. “Feels,” his words were choked off by a moan and then he was coming, painting Ianto's hand and cock with his come.

The sensation was enough to make Ianto lose control too and he shouted Jack's name to the starry sky.

Jack kissed Ianto softly, getting their breathing under control. “That was... amazing.”

Ianto smiled and was about to reply when a voice in his ear said, “My, my, Eye Candy, aren't you a dark horse?”

Ianto laid his head against Jack's shoulder and yanked the comm out of his ear. “I hope the gorgeous, naked women torture him first.”

Jack, who'd been close enough to hear John's comment, just laughed.

word count: 1000 - 3999, rating: pg, 2010 exchange, fic

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