Not With a Bang or a WhimperAuthor:
angstslashhopeRating: Standard
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Ianto & team (past and future); Jack/Ianto
Genre/Category: 5 ways, AU, fixit
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Spoilers for Seasons 1, 2 and 3
Summary: Five places Ianto's story went next.
Why you should read it:
Over the next few days, I’ll be reading and reccing some of the stories that are being written in the aftermath of Season 3. In Not With a Bang or a Whimper,
angstslashhope has taken the familiar “five ways” concept and applied it to Ianto’s story after Children of Earth. In this story I discovered five universes that I haven’t seen before, each of them showing us Ianto living on after his death in canon.
Angstslashhopeshows us the bittersweet destiny of Torchwood Four; Lois as I’d love to see her in the team; the genie in the coffee machine; Ianto as a liar with a much bigger lie than anyone had expected; and what might happen once more than 1000 years have passed.
Although these stories do not all have a happy ending, we are left with the sense of optimism that CoE lacked. There is still hope for the bonds between friends and lovers in each of these five ways Ianto could have carried on. Any of these futures could be true and somewhere, they probably all are.
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