Fic: The Secretary, by angstslashhope

Jul 03, 2009 14:44

Title: The Secretary
Author: angstslashhope, aka Hope (fic)
Rating: explicit (sex)
Length: ~7000 words
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Jack/Ianto
Genre/Category: pwp, sex, kink
Warnings: mild bondage
Spoilers: none
Summary: “Have you always had such an unhealthy fixation on office supplies, sir?” / “Only since I got a secretary.”

Why you should read it: Office supplies hadn't really registered as sex toys with me up until now. They didn't even pique my interest when Jack made that throw-away comment about photocopiers in KKBB. Well, I stand corrected.

There are lots of office kink fics out there and even more PWPs that feature Jack and Ianto in a boss/secretary role play without D/s elements. This was the first of "those" fics that I enjoyed. Who am I kidding? I was still nibbling on a paperclip for hours after I first read it. (No, I don't joke about serious business like that.)

I like how Ianto plans every step of his seduction minutely in his head, all the while wondering if his own creativity will hold any surprises for Jack, or if Jack has already seen and done everything there is. Even when things go a bit wrong, as they tend to when you're fumbling around with a chain of paperclips and a slippery cock, Ianto doesn't shy away nor does he lose control.

Hope's sarcastic writing style and Ianto and Jack's matching enthusiasm make this all the more fun to read. I particularly liked how she described every sensation as though I was there myself, tasting the metal and feeling the masking tape. When I read sex in fan fiction, I prefer to recognize the characters and realistic descriptions not embalmed in metaphors - Hope does this superbly.

Authors appreciate your comments! Feel free to let them know if you liked their work.

category: kink (other), genre: sex, era: series two, type: fic, sex: slash, character: jack, character: ianto, category: kink (bdsm), rating: explicit (sex), pairing: jack/ianto, length: b5000-10000, category: pwp, length: oneshot

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