Dear Captain, Last Night I Slept In Mutiny...Author:
rm and
kalichan Rating: explicit (sex)
Length: 11,300 words
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Jack/Ianto
Warnings: D/s
Spoilers: Series 2
Summary: After death, a date: dinner, discussion, and driving - for Jack and Ianto, the death bit might actually be the easy part.
Why you should read it: This fic shocked me. It's the sequel to
A Strange Fashion of Foresaking, which had rather disturbing sex in it, but even if that squicked you, read this. The conversation between Jack and Ianto in the beginning of the fic is absolutely outstanding and mindblowing. I rarely read fics that fully allow both Jack and Ianto to be fully-functioning adults, Dear Captain does this in a way that left me gasping for breath. The sex is secondary to the conversation, which says nothing for how well done it is - especially when you compare the power dynamics between the scene here and the one in Foresaking. It's electric and powerful and caps off this incredibly satisfying, brilliant fic.