Editor's Note: If your item was not linked, it's because the header lacked the information that we like to give our readers. Please at least give the title, rating, and pairing or characters, and please include the header in the storypost itself, not just in the linking post. Spoiler warnings are also greatly appreciated. If you were not linked, and would like to be, contact us with further information and your link below. Thank you!
Off-LJ News:
Vote for John Barrowman for Celebrity Dog Owner of the Year.
John Barrowman goes behind the scenes of Dallas.
Communities & Challenges:
torchwood_fest: Torchwood Art fest is now taking submissions. Timeline, rules, and FAQ can be found
Challenge #25 is open.
Round One, Challenge Five Prompts.
And so I give you... by
zazajb [Jack/Ianto, Owen, Tosh, Gwen | NC17]
The Man Behind the Suit by
iantojjackh [Jack/Ianto | R]
The End Of The Line by
jolinarjackson [Jack/Ianto, Jack/John Hart | PG13]
The Sky is Falling by
aviv_b [Ianto, Mica | G]
The Middle by
venus_fiction [Gwen/Jack/Ianto | NC17]
Out of Dark Places by
harkpad02 and
the_silver_sun [Jack/Ianto, Gwen | PG13]
Last Respects by
lawsontl [Jack/Ianto | R]
A Reversal of Roles by
venus_fiction [Ianto/Owen | NC17]
Dreams of the Captain by
iantojjackh [Jack/Ianto | G]
Lost at Sea by
analineblue [Jack, Ianto | PG]
Once I Met a Stranger by
beachy_geek [Torchwood/Doctor Who | Jack/multiple Doctors | PG]
Magic Call,
Chapter 15, by
backrose_17 [Torchwood/Merlin/Doctor Who | Jack/Ianto, Arthur/Merlin, Doctor/Morgana, Martha, John/Tosh, Rhys/Gwen, Owen/Gwen, Morgana/Lisa, Andy, Kathy, John/Ianto, Andy/Ianto/Morgana, Mary/Tosh, Suzie/Tosh, Ianto/Freya, Morgana/Gwen/Lancelot | PG13]
Poirot and the case of the two Captains by
hab318princess [Torchwood/Hercule Poirot | Jack Harkness, Hercule Poirot, Arthur Hastings, Felicity Lemon | PG13]
Born This Way,
Chapter One, by
madbottoms [Jack/Ianto, John, Owen, Toshiko/Tommy, Suzie, OCs | NC17]
Best Man,
Chapter 6 Chapter 7, by
darkwingduckie7 [Ianto/Jack, Ianto/Lisa, Tosh/Owen, Mickey, Andy, Gwen/Rhys, Rhiannon/Johnny, OCs | R]
Chapter 7, by
dingo316l [Jack/Ianto | NC17]
Torchwood High,
Chapter 82, by
iolo1234 [Jack/Ianto, Tosh, Owen, Gwen | PG14]
Far Travellers Club,
Chapters 117 - 120, by
markov_debris [Jack/Ianto, Team, OCs | Adult]
Just Another Word (for Nothing Left to Lose),
Part 11, by
black_k_kat [Jack/Ianto | PG13]
A Good Man,
Chapter 6, by
xefer [Jack/Ianto, Tosh, Owen, Gwen, Rhys | M]
In Sickness and in Health,
Chapter 49, by
welsh_scotsman [Jack/Ianto | 15]
Chapter 39, by
missthingsplace [Jack/Ianto, Owen, Toshiko, Gwen, Rhys | NC17]
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5, by
usakiwigirl [Jack/Ianto | NC17]
A Time of Rest,
Chapter 3, by
milady_dragon [Jack/Ianto, Toshiko/Kathy, Rhiannon/Johnny | PG13]
A New Dawn,
Chapter 25, by
ohinyan [Jack, Ianto, Tosh, Gwen, Owen | 18+]
Salvation's Tears,
Chapter 12, by
not_rude_ginger [Ianto, Owen | PG15]
You can reach us in the comments or at torchwood.three@gmail.com