Editor's Note: If your item was not linked, it's because the header lacked the information that we like to give our readers. Please at least give the title, rating, and pairing or characters, and please include the header in the storypost itself, not just in the linking post. Spoiler warnings are also greatly appreciated. If you were not linked, and would like to be, contact us with further information and your link below. Thank you!
Off-LJ News:
John Barrowman entertains with a wink, a banana, and a song.
New Torchwood audio drama.
Communities & Challenges:
Member Driven Fest starts today.
Photo Prompt - Turn Left.
Bingo Round 2 Prompts.
Photo Prompt - To the Last Man.
Photo Prompt - Strays.
Discussion & Miscellany:
Discussion post for Exit Wounds.
Only My Dreams Will Wander These Desolate Moors by
eldarwannabe [Toshiko, Toshiko's mother | G]
Versiera by
missvmarigold [Tosh/Suzie | R]
Human Arousal Increaser by
missvmarigold [Tosh/Suzie | R]
Your Kiss Is Cosmic by
theladymore [Jack/Ianto | PG]
Time to Kill by
mahmfic [Susie | G]
I Carry Your Heart by
mahmfic [Ianto/Lisa | PG]
And Miles to Go Before I Sleep by
the_silver_sun [Ianto/Lisa | PG]
Change Fate's Design by
backrose_17 [Torchwood/Star Trek XI/Doctor Who | Jack/Ianto, Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, John/Tosh, Rory/Amy, Doctor/River, Mickey/Martha, Sulu/Chekov, Owen/Andy/Kathy | PG15]
The Book of Love by
truthsetfree [Torchwood/Doctor Who | Doctor/Rose, Jack/Ianto | G]
Melamin by
backrose_17 [Torchwood/Doctor Who | Jack/Ianto, Suzie/Tosh, Doctor/Martha, Owen/Rhiannon, Rhys/Gwen, Rhys/Andy, arranged Ianto/Martha | R]
The Oncoming Storm,
Chapter 1, by
evalentine99 [Torchwood/Doctor Who | Jack/Ianto, OCs Sean, Alex, 10th Doctor, the Master | 16+]
Pity is Treason by
aviv_b [Torchwood/Doctor Who | Ianto, Jack, Doctors 10 & 11 | PG]
A Song as Old as Time,
Chapter 13, by
the_silver_sun [Jack/Ianto | PG13]
To Do or Not To Do,
Chapter 2 Chapter 3.1 Chapter 3.2, by
blueceinwen [Ianto/Colin (OMC) | NC17]
You can reach us in the comments or at torchwood.three@gmail.com