Title: The Stolen Earth Incident - Chapter Forty-Seven through Fifty-Four - Complete
Author: Milady Dragon
Dragon-VerseRating: PG-13
Pairing(s): JackHarkness/Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sato/Kathy Swanson, Owen Harper/Diane Holmes, Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Martha Jones/Tom Milligan, Phil Coulson/Clint Barton, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts
Warnings: Language, Violence, Angst, Temporary Character Death (It's Jack), Perceived Character Death, Minor Character Death.
Spoilers: Thru S2, E13, "Fragments" and "Exit Wounds", the audio play "Lost Souls" for Torchwood, S4, E12 and E13, "The Stolen Earth" and "Journey's End" for Doctor Who. Slight spoilers for the movie, "Iron Man"
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood, I would have treated it better. Don't own Doctor Who, Sarah Jane Adventures, or the Marvel Cinematic Universe, either
Author's Note: Here it is, the Dragon-Verse version of "Stolen Earth" and "Journey's End".
A/N2: Okay, I'm ready to start posting something new, so I'm posting get the rest of the chapters today. :)
Summary: The Earth has been stolen. There are twenty-six other planets in the sky. The Daleks are raining death down from the sky. It's the end of the world.
Chapter Forty-Seven
LivejournalDreamwidthAO3 Chapter Forty-Eight
LivejournalDreamwidthAO3 Chapter Forty-Nine
LivejournalDreamwidthAO3 Chapter Fifty
LivejournalDreamwidthAO3 Chapter Fifty-One
LivejournalDreamwdithAO3 Chapter Fifty-Two
LivejournalDreamwidthAO3 Chapter Fifty-Three
LivejournalDreamwidthAO3 Chapter Fifty-Four
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