Acute Angles 11-18/18 (Torchwood/classic Knight Rider crossover, COMPLETE)

Dec 25, 2013 14:06

Title: Acute Angles 11-18/18
Author: crowdog66
Rating(s): NC-17 in places, R overall
Pairing(s): Jack Harkness & KITT, Jack Harkness/Gwen Cooper, Jack Harkness & Gwen Cooper, Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness/KITT
Genre(s): Angst, Adventure, Slash, Pre-Slash
Warning(s): None
Word Count Overall: 36,740
Chapter Summaries: (11) Jack dreams under the influence of alien poison. (12) The Vore General toys with Jack to pass the time, and all Gwen can do is watch helplessly. (13) The Vore General ascertains that Jack is hiding something, and she’s determined to find out what it is. (14) KITT comes back, but… well, he’s really not programmed for this sort of work, is he? (15) Jack and Gwen share a moment of emotional honesty, and KITT makes a fatal choice. (16) All that’s left is to deal with the remains… but perhaps things aren’t quite that simple after all. (17) Jack comes to an understanding on several different fronts. (18) So in the end Jack holds what he most desires but can never have, and knows that this is a game he can’t afford to lose.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of Torchwood. No copyright infringement is intended.

"Chapter 11: Resonance" on AO3
"Chapter 12: The Vore" on AO3
"Chapter 13: Mind Games" on AO3
"Chapter 14: Dark Horse" on AO3
"Chapter 15: Into the Light" on AO3
"Chapter 16: The Valley of the Shadow" on AO3
"Chapter 17: I Shall Fear No Evil" on AO3
"Epilogue: The Beginning Is Also The End" on AO3

ianto jones, crossover, gwen cooper, owen harper, jack harkness, toshiko sato

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