Title: Magic of Torchwood 1-5/?
Author: Caz251
Characters: Ianto, Jack, Tosh, Gwen, Owen, 10th Doctor, Martha Jones, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Amelia Bones with a bunch of OFC!s and OMC!s
Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto
Rating: pg
Spoilers: General spoilers for the Doctor Who. General spoilers for Torchwood set after series 1 and Jack's return.
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood, Doctor Who or Harry Potter.
Summary: Ianto Jones was not just the Torchwood Archivist he was much more than that, he was a wizard, a Slytherin and a friend of Lily Evans. When Ianto finds out where her son is living he takes him into his home and makes him his son.
Story Masterlist
http://caz251.dreamwidth.org/131285.html Chapter One
http://caz251.dreamwidth.org/131371.htmlChapter Two
http://caz251.dreamwidth.org/132152.htmlChapter Three
http://caz251.dreamwidth.org/132384.htmlChapter Four
http://caz251.dreamwidth.org/132827.htmlChapter Five