Sorry this is late and thank you for your patience!
To Vote:
→ Comment with your choice for first listed first, your choice for second listed second, and your choice for third listed third, with all votes separated by commas.
ex - 75, 100, 88
This vote means you like 75 the best, 100 the second best, and 88 the third best.→ In this voting system, each vote is counted with each first place being awarded 3 points, each second place being awarded 2 points, and each third place being awarded 1 point.
→ The icon with the highest total number of points wins first place overall, etc. The icon with the most votes will win Most Creative.
→ Please comment using the voting template below.
→ Voting will be open until 13 Feb 2012 at 8 PM EST.
→ Reminder: everyone who entered MUST vote. You MAY NOT vote for your own icons OR SETS.
→ For more information on voting rules and procedures see
this BEFORE placing your vote. If you need further clarification or have other questions comment
Voting Template
1st, 2nd, 3rd: Most Creative: Entry 1Entry 2Entry 3Entry 4
Entry 5Entry 6Entry 7Entry 8
Entry 9Entry 10Entry 11Entry 12
Entry 13Entry 14Entry 15Entry 16
Entry 17Entry 18Entry 19