Challenges 11 & 12; Captain Jack and The TARDIS

Feb 21, 2010 15:55

Cap challenge this week is of the amazing Captain Jack Harkness, and the theme is of the TARDIS!

Overall Rules
- Three icons per challenge.
- Icons must fit LJ standards (40kb and 100x100 maximum).
- Do not post icons elsewhere before results are announced.
- No animation.


Challenge Eleven | Capture | Captain Jack Harkness

Challenge rules
- One of the caps must be used in the icon.
- You may blend the caps.
- You may enter three icons. (They can all be of the same cap if you wish)

(click the thumbnails for bigger versions)


Challenge Twelve | Thematic | TARDIS

Challenge rules
- For this challenge your icon can be anything as long as it includes the TARDIS, so it can be inside or outside! Can have people in it or not, but basically needs to represent what you feel the TARDIS means. Also can be a quote!
- Image from any season of Doctor Who
- Text, brushes, whatever goes! (No animation!)
- You may use any cap/ promo image, but NOT an image of the actor out of costume.
- Advice to find where to find caps would be cap_it or larissa_j if you prefer not to download :]


I hope these challenges get your creative juices flowing ;)


Comments are screened. Any questions, please ask.


12, 11, challenge

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