[Milliways, OOM]

Sep 06, 2008 15:25

It had been her secret project for the past few weeks. No one knew about it, not Ollie and his gang, not Clark, not Lois, not Riley - no one. She had chosen to spend more time in Milliways working on this project than take a chance she may be caught at home or in the Planet office.

People at Milliways knew how to respect secrets. Even Bart Allen did when he was there.

But now, it seemed that all her searching was coming to a head. This man, this Dr Curtis Knox (ironically enough), apparently possesses a cure to the mutations caused by the kryptonite.

An actual, real cure.

It had almost seemed to good to be true when Chloe had ran into Sasha while hanging out at the mall with Jimmy. But her follow up research seemed to confirm it. Brain surgery to remove the infections and the powers. No fear of growing crazy, no fears of ever hurting herself or someone she loved.

No more fear of dying.

Of course, like everything, a cure came with a cost. But if you asked Chloe, potential memory loss was worth it. So what if she couldn't remember Riley or AC or Clark ever again? They could be around to remind her. Or she could start over, or...

"I'm a meteor freak," she told him. Dr Knox seemed a nice enough man in person. Calming, intelligent, clearly a neurosurgeon. Chloe took a deep breath and nodded. It was now or never. "And...I want to be cured."

He nodded, the soft smile on his face reassuring. "Then you've come to the right place, Miss Sullivan."

cure, oom, curtis knox, milliways

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