I am a freak of nature :[

Mar 23, 2007 22:25

I tried to give blood today.
tried so hard.
I was very excited to say "I give blood... I save lives" yadayadayada.
but to no avail.
Apparently my heart beats ridiculously fast
which people have always told me
I've always thought they were crazy
At most it was supposed to be 100... yeah I hit 126.
Asked the nurse "Is it normal to have people hit so high?!"
hahahaa. She checked it 5 fcking times.
She even had me sit still & not talk for 5 WHOLE MINUTES!
&I did it. Again, to no avail. It went down to 124.
It was very sad.

She did however still give me a tshirt. :D yay.

We're trying again next week.
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