Don't Lie to Me (Challenge 130: Challenge redux: secrets and lies)

Aug 31, 2009 16:48

Ianto entered Jack’s office to find it empty. He felt relieved since he needed to find something. Opening the drawer, he discovered old files and odd objects he always expected to find. He sighed and closed the drawer disappointed.

“You have to let it go,” Jack said at the door.

Ianto looked up and frowned, “Why won’t you tell me his name?”

Jack sighed, “Does it matter?”

“Yes since I killed you under his influence.”

Jack nodded, “Well his name seems to have escaped me, I’m sorry.”

It was lie, another fucking lie just like the last one.

Fucking bastard!

challenge, jack/ianto, jack, secrets and lies, challenge redux, ianto, tw100, drabble, torchwood

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