In the Closet (Challenge 129: Trapped)

Aug 19, 2009 13:46

Jack opened his eyes to find an erect cock staring at him. He knew that it wasn’t his own since he was fully clothed. He was met by John’s grinning face.

“So we’re still trapped in the closet then?” Jack asked with a pleasurable grin.

“Yes, we are gorgeous,” John replied, practically purring, “I’m starting to wonder if she will ever let us out.”

“Probably not,” Jack said wrapping his hand around John’s cock, “You’ve hurt her too much.” John let out a loud pleasurable moan.

They might have been stuck in a closet.

But they didn’t want to leave.

challenge, nc-17, jack, john/jack, trapped, tw100, drabble, torchwood, john

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