"We'll always have Paris" (Challenge 224: Reverse Fandom: Star Trek)

Jun 10, 2009 18:41

Jack stood on the balcony at looked at the Eiffel Tower standing in the distance. Lips fell onto his shoulder causing a moan to escape from his mouth. He was glad John had talked them into coming here.

“Come back to bed, gorgeous,” John said into Jack’s shoulder, “I’m not finished with you yet.”

“In a minute, let me enjoy the view,”

“The view’s great from where I’m standing,” John replied before digging his teeth into Jack’s shoulder. Jack smiled to himself.

“We’ll always have Paris,” He muttered under his breath before another pleasurable moan escaped.

And he wasn’t wrong.

challenge, paris, jack/john, tw100, reverse fandom: star trek, drabble

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