Precious Touch (Prompt 221:Entwine)

Oct 20, 2008 13:12

Title: Precious Touch
Rating: G
Characters: Ten/Jack
A/N: Written for dw100 using the prompt Entwine

The feeling of fingers entwining into his own made Jack close his eyes. For the moment he couldn’t remember who it was but the feeling was very familiar. He opened them and looked around his surroundings. It was night and he was in a park sitting on a bench. The person sitting next to him though had his eyes closed and probably didn’t know what he was doing.

The Doctor opened his eyes and looked down.

“Sorry Jack.” He said before drawing away his hand a bit embarrassed.

Jack just smiled and kissed the time lord softly on the lips.

ten, jack, precious touch, dw100, doctor, park, entwine

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