Love Though Any Time (30/30) Torchwood NC-17

Apr 20, 2009 12:47



Two weeks later


“So where are we going?” Emmett asked with a smile as we drove along the busy road towards a surprise destination.

“You’ll find out when we get there,” I replied with a secret smile, “You’ll love it, I promise.” I added when I saw his frown.

I felt a hand on my upper leg, “Come on, I really want to know,” He pleaded rather seductively. I tried to concentrate on the road but he started to stroke it.

I heard a cough from the back seat, “There’s a time and a place.”

“Sorry Jack,” I apologised with a smirk and saw that Emmett was now looking out the window. We had been a couple for two weeks but it felt like forever.

Twenty minutes later we reached our destination, the Cardiff Royal Airbase. I parked the Focus in the car park and we all climbed out. Jack started to walk ahead of us as Emmett’s arm drew me close to him. He kissed me softly on the forehead.

“How did you know I wanted to visit my plane?” He asked with a smile, “Or is that a stupid question?”

It had been true that for the last few days he had been thinking about his plane. Normally I wouldn’t tap in to his head but due to a headache I heard his thoughts about his precious plane. It gave me the idea to take him out to the airfield. Jack wanted to come along as he wanted to see it too. Probably to also share stories.

I smiled, “Well I thought you might want to visit it often,” I explained with a smile, “Maybe even fly it occasionally, General Peters said it would be fine as long as you agree to flying lessons.”

“Of course, it’s a cover isn’t it?” Emmett asked with a smile.

“Well sort of,” I replied, “So do you want to do this or.....” I began to ask but Emmett interrupted me with a kiss on the lips.

“Oh love birds, you want to see the plane or not?” Jack asked further up, he seemed to be smirking.

I rolled my eyes and lead Emmett through the car park towards the hanger

The End

ww2, jack/ianto, gwen/rhys, james/emmett, martha/tom, novel sized, slash, captain emmett kingston, torchwood

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