The Easter Bunny in Cardiff? 4/5 (Torchwood/Doctor Who, PG)

Apr 19, 2009 18:12


Part Four

The Doctor raced into the Tardis and grabbed the carrot that was sitting on the control panel, though it wasn’t any ordinary carrot. It had been given to them by the crazy farmer who had gone on about it containing a sleeping formula, that it had enough to knock it out for a week. Not that he was going to tell Jack that.

“A carrot?” Jack asked when the Doctor showed him, “How cliché do you want to get?”

“Well according to the famer they love them,” The Doctor replied with a shrug, “Now George Street is only a block away right?”

“Well yes I had to tell Ianto not to prepare the SUV, just to bring the tranquilliser,” Jack replied, “Also we have a gun just in case.”

“I don’t want it dead Captain,” The Doctor snapped, “Besides it won’t turn into some giant mutant, it’s just a little rabbit that shits chocolate eggs and entertains the children.”

“I understand Doctor,” Jack said before Ianto appeared with the tranquilliser gun, “Alright let’s go.”

Gwen kept her gun raised as she walked down the alleyway. Ok so she was a little overreacting but she wanted to proceed with caution. For all she knew it might not just be a little bunny, that it might turn into some giant mutant rabbit. Though if it was an alien, then maybe it meant differently than what she thought.

She saw something white in the distance somewhat squatting on the pavement. As she walked closer she saw that it was the rabbit. She crouched down in front of it and realised that it was taking a shit in the middle of the alleyway. The rabbit looked at her and she swore that it seemed to smile at her before hopping straight into her arms, leaving behind its mess.

She looked at what it left behind.

No way, chocolate eggs, it shits Easter eggs, she thought as she put the rabbit down and took out a plastic bag from her trouser pocket. She scooped them up and put them into the plastic bag.

“Gwen, are you alright down there?” A voice yelled from further down the alleyway.

“Yes, everything seems to be under control,” Gwen yelled back, “You are one strange rabbit,” She added to the white bunny which seemed to be staying at her side. Footsteps ran up the alleyway.

“Brilliant, it seems we don’t need the carrot after all,” The Doctor said as the bunny hopping over to them. Donna picked it up.

“Alright, let’s get you back to your owner shall we,” She said looking in to the rabbit’s eyes.

“Could someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Gwen asked very seriously, “It shat some eggs before,” She added holding up the bag.

“Cool, more food for Myfanwy,” Ianto said with a smile, “She’ll be happy.”

“Alright who wants to hear the story about the crazy farmer and his farm of alien mutant rabbits?” Jack asked as they made their way back to the hub.

ten, challenge, jack, torchwood australia, gwen, doctor who, ianto, doctor, crossover, torchwood

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