The Easter Bunny in Cardiff? 3/5 (Torchwood/Doctor Who, PG)

Apr 18, 2009 18:32


Part Three

Gwen Cooper sighed as she waited at the traffic lights. She wondered what was waiting for her at work. Ianto has said something about the Doctor showing up to see Jack, that’s all she knew. Still if he needed their help then they would be glad to give it, for Jack’s sake. The light turned green and she put her foot down. Once she reached the street which turned off on the Plass, she noticed a white rabbit hopping down the sidewalk.

Odd she thought before pulling over. Climbing out she shut the door and decided to go after it. She didn’t know why but the news story about the Easter bunny was still fresh in her mind. Scanning the sidewalk she spotted it hopping towards one of the alleyways. This is ridiculous she thought as she ran after it. It seemed to hopping quite fast as she couldn’t quite catch up to it.

Her phone started to ring causing a curse to escape from her mouth. She took it out of her pocket and saw Ianto’s name written on the display. She answered it without delay.

“Hi, just seeing if you’re on your way to the hub,” Ianto’s voice said rather seriously.

“Yes but at the moment I’m chasing a white rabbit,” Gwen replied looking up the alleyway, “It’s probably nothing though, since it might be just a normal rabbit.”

“Where are you?”

“In an alleyway near the Plass, just off George Street why?” Gwen asked.

“Um well according to the rift monitor, there was a rift spike in the area about fifteen minutes ago.” Ianto replied, “Also the Doctor’s saying that the Easter Bunny story isn’t a hoax, it really is on the loose in South Wales.”

“Thanks, I was wondering why this rabbit was hopping faster than normal,” Gwen replied with a cock of the head, “Alright can you tell Jack?”

“Just about to,” Ianto replied, “Be careful and we’ll be there as soon as we can.”

“Thanks Ianto,” Gwen said before hanging up. This time she got out her gun and walked down the alleyway.

“So to recap, a crazy farmer in the 51st century breeds alien Easter bunnies and one of them escaped. Somehow it has come through the rift, landed in the Brecon Beacons but might be now roaming the streets of Cardiff,” Jack said while the Doctor and Donna sat in front of his desk, “Ok, so it explains why my parents told me that Easter eggs really came from the Easter Bunny.”

“Yeah, I thought that was weird too,” Donna piped up, “I mean they really lay eggs, proper chocolate a chicken.”

“Yeah well, I’ve dealt with stranger things,” The Doctor interrupted, “Importantly though it’s not supposed to be here.”

“I agree with you Doctor,” Jack agreed, “Since the chocolate from those eggs contains ingredients, not suitable to 21st century health regulations.”

“Sir, I’ve just been on the phone to Gwen,” Ianto said at the door to Jack’s office, “She’s chasing a white rabbit down an alleyway off of George Street.”

“Is it hopping faster than normal?” The Doctor asked. Ianto nodded which made the Doctor look back at Jack.

“That’s our bunny,” The Doctor replied, “We have to catch it before it starts shitting eggs.”

“I’ll prepare the SUV shall I?” Ianto said with a sigh.

ten, challenge, jack, torchwood australia, gwen, doctor who, ianto, doctor, crossover, torchwood, donna noble

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