The Easter Bunny in Cardiff? 1/5 (Torchwood/Doctor Who, PG)

Apr 15, 2009 14:15


Part One

The sun began to rise over Cardiff , down below people were rushing off to work, sending the kids to school or just waking up, unaware of peering eyes from a figure standing upon the roof of the Millennium Centre. His coat seemed to flap behind him caused by the chilly early morning breeze coming in from the bay. What the citizens of Cardiff didn’t know was that they had been saved many times by this particular person, though it wasn’t like he wanted to be thanked.

“Beautiful sunrise isn’t it sir?” Ianto Jones remarked, stopping just a few metres behind him.

“Yes it is, symbolising a new day, a new threat, and the rift doesn’t stop for anyone,” Captain Jack Harkness replied with his eyes still peeled upon the city below, “Still we will be ready for whatever comes our way.”

“Well you might want to read this morning’s paper sir,” Ianto told him.

“Why?” Jack asked turning around to face him.

Ianto found himself smirking, “Sorry sir, apparently there has been sighting of the Easter Bunny around the Brecon Beacons.”

“Really? Have you followed it up?” Jack asked. Ianto wasn’t sure if Jack was joking or not but by the tone of his voice, he seemed to be quite serious.

“Sir, the police have and said that is probably some locals playing a hoax,” Ianto replied, “I thought you might want a laugh before your weekly phone call to the Prime Minister.” He added sounding a little hurt.

“Sorry Ianto, just being cautious,” Jack apologised, “You have to be open minded in this job.”

“Of course sir,” Ianto replied with a shrug, “Well I’m just about to make coffee so...”

Jack nodded and walked over to him. Entwining his fingers with Ianto’s they walked hand in hand back towards the invisible elevator. Only letting go once the elevator touched the bottom, their fingertips brushed against each other as Ianto went off towards the coffee machine.

Gwen Cooper woke up to the smell of bacon coming from the kitchen. Her head turned towards the digital clock sitting on the table. Shit she thought when she saw the time. Quickly she climbed out of bed and got changed.

“Morning, where are you off to?” Rhys asked as she rushed past the kitchen.

“I’m late for work,” Gwen replied angrily, “Why didn’t you wake me?”

“Jack gave you the morning off remember?” Rhys told her, “You were bitching and moaning about it last night.”

Oh yeah Gwen thought; now I remember. Last night she had thought about convincing Jack to let Ianto have the morning off too but she just came home and bitched about it to Rhys. Why was she always doing this? Letting Jack to always say yes to Ianto, when clearly it was obvious Ianto needed his sleep? She wanted to keep on Jack’s good side that’s why. Sometimes she just wanted to throttle him.

“Sorry I saw the time and panicked,” Gwen said turning around with a shrug, “So its bacon and eggs for breakfast then?”

“Yep and just as you like them,” Rhys said while he cooked the eggs in a frying pan on the stove, “Won’t be long.”

Gwen nodded and sat down on the bar stool behind the counter. She eyed the newspaper and the front page headline. She picked it up and started to read, gigging immensely a few minutes later.

“The Easter Bunny’s been spotted in Brecon Beacons,” She read to Rhys, “I hope Jack doesn’t see this and thinks it’s real.”

“So do I, the police reckon it’s a hoax anyway,” Rhys replied as he dished up the bacon and eggs, “Though it will be awesome if it did turn out to be some sort of Easter bunny alien.”

Gwen laughed, “I don’t think there’s such thing Rhys.”

“You work for Torchwood don’t you?” Rhys asked quite seriously.

“Yes of course but right now it just seems too daft.”

“How could we have lost it?” Donna Noble yelled as she entered the Tardis behind the Doctor, “Seriously how we could we lose the Easter Bunny?”

“I don’t know, one minute he was there, the next he decided to disappear into thin air,” The Doctor replied while looking at the control screen, “Hopefully the Tardis will be able to track his co-ordinates and direct us to where he is.”

“When I first met you I had no idea I would meet the Easter Bunny,” Donna exclaimed, “Especially when I was told at twelve years old he wasn’t real!”

“Yes Donna but this isn’t your average bunny,” The Doctor said still looking at the screen, “He’s an alien mutant bred from that crazy farmer, remember.”

“Alright spaceman, I know but it’s for the kids isn’t it?” Donna replied rather crossly. The Doctor looked up from the screen and frowned.

“Donna, Easter traditions on this planet are very different to yours,” The Doctor explained, “That is why we have to find it.” He added before he started to hit the screen, “Oh why are you telling me he’s gone through the rift, oh ok, hang on Donna this is going to be a bumpy ride.”

The Doctor flung the switch and they were both send forward on to the control panel. The Tardis continued to fling them forwards and backwards while travelling fast across the rift towards a surprise destination. A few minutes later the Tardis landed heavily.

“Ok Donna, this is it,” The Doctor said grabbing his coat and racing towards the door, “Let’s go find this thing before it does any damage.”

He opened the doors and raced out only to stop suddenly when he saw a familiar building. Swearing slightly under his breath but also strangely a little overjoyed he ran back inside the Tardis.

“Donna, it seems the Easter Bunny has come to Cardiff.”

challenge, jack, torchwood australia, gwen, doctor who, ianto, doctor, crossover, torchwood, donna noble

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