Love Though Any Time (28/?) Torchwood NC-17

Apr 15, 2009 13:11


Chapter Twenty Seven


I woke up to find my phone vibrating on the bedside table. Picking it up I started to groan, thinking who could possibly want to a text me this early in the morning. Well I had some idea and I seriously wanted to kill them. Groaning turned into deep swearing as I read the text message. I looked around at the peaceful sleeping figure of Captain Emmett Kingston, wondering what to do. Either I would wake him up or leave him a note. He looked so peaceful but I felt bad about leaving with just a note. So I put down the phone and moved back to him, kissing him on the lips to see if it would wake him.

Well a soft kiss didn’t so I quickly deepened it and got a good reaction. Emmett opened his eyes and tumbled over me, pinning me underneath him.

“Morning, ready for a shower?” He asked very excited when we drew apart.

“Sorry, Torchwood needs me,” I replied rather disappointed as I saw Emmett’s smile turn into a frown, “I promise though when I return we’ll have one.”

“Ok but that won’t be for ages,” He whined moving back over towards his side of the bed.

“Just don’t have a shower then,” I replied with a smile, “You don’t always have to have a shower in the morning.”

Emmett shrugged his shoulders, “Alright but it’s a promise right?”

“Yes I promise that I will have a shower with you later this evening,” I promised with a laugh, “Now I better go before Jack kills me for being late.” I added before climbing out of bed and grabbing some clothes from the wardrobe.

“You’re late,” Jack said when I climbed up the stairs towards the workstations.

“Sorry, I wasn’t trying to be,” I replied with a smile, “Traffic decided to be bad this morning,” I added sitting down at my workstation.

“It’s ok, Martha, Gwen and Ianto are already out there,” Jack replied with a slight smile, “All I want you to do is look up this name,” He added handing me a piece of paper, “Quickly as I have them on the comms."

I nodded and brought up the database, quickly typing the name into the database. “Alright I’ve got George Logan up,”

Jack walked over and read out his address to the rest of the team. After they had cut the comms I looked up at Jack.

“You know you didn’t need me for this,” I told him, “You could have looked it up yourself or even got Ianto to stay behind.”

“I know but the team has to stick together,” Jack replied putting a hand on my shoulder, “Even if we have to leave people on the burner,” I gave him a look, “Oh come on I can smell it.”

I shrugged, “Yeah I guess,” I said smirking a little.

“Have a good night with Emmett then?” Jack asked, “You don’t have to tell me, since well I am your boss.”

“No I had a great night,” I replied with a smile, “We don’t have to find a flat for him anymore.”

Jack nodded, “I guessed as much, I’m glad you’ve found someone James,” He said patting me on the back, “I think I’ve found him a job, is it alright if I take him out tomorrow?”

“Of course, I don’t mind at all,” I replied with a shrug.

“By the way, Damien Mayer, do I have to retcon him?” Jack asked with a smile.

I gulped slightly, “Um no, I mean....” I put my head into my hands. Jack started to chuckle.

“As long as he doesn’t tell people, I’m happy to let you off this time,” He replied before walking off towards his office, “At Weddings we get drunk and things slip out right?”

“Right,” I agreed with a smile, even though I did tell Damien before I got drunk. Still I wasn’t going to correct him since he was just making up a story. Covering up a mistake, that’s what Torchwood was best at.

My mobile started to vibrate in my pocket.

ww2, jack/ianto, gwen/rhys, james/emmett, martha/tom, novel sized, slash, captain emmett kingston, torchwood

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