Love Though Any Time (24/?) Torchwood NC-17

Apr 10, 2009 12:42


Chapter Twenty Three


At six o’clock I picked up my brown corduroy jacket and moved towards the cog door. I felt a hand grab my arm and I turned around to see Martha standing there. She smiled before pulling me into a hug. I also wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me.

“I’m so sorry,” She said before pulling back, “But there was something really important we had to keep from you.”

“I don’t mind, it’s not bad is it?” I asked getting quite worried.

“No quite the opposite,” She replied with a smile, “Let’s just there’s something waiting for you at your apartment.”

I shrugged, “Well just do it more privately next time alright,” I said rather dryly, “I’ve been quite worried and depressed it seems.”

“Just have a fantastic night alright,” She told me before kissing me softly on the cheek.

I was a little taken back by those words. I mean all I had planned was to cook dinner for Emmett and Damien. What was it she knew that I didn’t and why was I getting the nagging feeling that Emmett had lied to me this morning? If he did then he must have had a good reason. Then again Jack had been nice to me today. Had Emmett finally talked to Jack?

Don’t be absurd I though to myself before I said goodbye to Martha and exited through the cog door. As I walked to the car I couldn’t help but smile as to what was waiting for me at the apartment.

I unlocked the door of my apartment and found that it was quiet. There was no noise coming from the kitchen but I refused to go and look. I went straight to my bedroom and found a black formal suit with a note from Ianto. The note didn’t give away much just to put it on and have a good night. I didn’t complain just quickly took off my clothes and put on the suit.

I checked myself over in the mirror and realised that I looked quiet good. The last time I wore a suit was for Damien’s wedding but had to push off suggestions that I looked good in a suit. Right now though it seemed that they were right. All I wanted to know was how Ianto knew what size I was but then again I didn’t think I wanted to know. He was quiet sneaky when it came to these things.

A few minutes later I heard the main door open so I walked back out into the lounge room to see Damien and Emmett.....

My jaw dropped when I saw Emmett dressed in a navy blue formal uniform with black trousers. His black hair was combed back and I just stood there speechless.

“I’ve leave you to it,” Damien said to Emmett before quietly leaving us alone in the lounge room. Emmett stepped forward and started to look me over.

“You are very handsome in that suit,” He said with a grin before wrapping his arms around me, “Quite sexy, totally irresistible and I want to make you mine.”

“What about you?” I asked gaining my confidence back, “You looked quite amazing in that uniform.”

“Yes but this night’s about you,” He replied, “I finally talked to Jack last night, so I decided to surprise you with a candlelit dinner.”

“What are we celebrating?” I asked not quite sure. He smiled and placed his lips upon mine, sticking in the tongue when I reacted. A shiver went down my spine before he broke it.

“I love you, James Elton and I now know that I shouldn’t be ashamed,” Emmett replied before stepping back completely and taking my hand, “And I’m going to show it to you with a candlelit dinner and a slow dance to Glenn Miller in my room.” He added with a wink. I smiled.

I want to rip off that uniform I though to myself before Emmett guided me to the kitchen.

ww2, jack/ianto, gwen/rhys, james/emmett, martha/tom, novel sized, slash, captain emmett kingston, torchwood

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