Love Though Any Time (23/?) Torchwood NC-17

Apr 09, 2009 16:20

Chapter Twenty Two


I entered Jack’s office with his coffee and popped it down on his desk. Jack looked up from his paperwork and smiled. We didn’t speak just smiled at each other until Jack stood up and put an arm around my back, kissing me softly on the lips.

“The talk with Emmett went well last night,” Jack said when we drew apart, “I believe he might not be ashamed anymore.”

“Well that’s good,” I replied with a smile, “Though I don’t believe anything has happened between them.”

Jack shrugged, “He wants to be a gentleman, dinner, wine, dancing then pure seduction,” He replied rather seductively, “Old fashioned I know but that’s how he works.”

“I think it’s romantic,” I replied with a smirk, “hmm maybe you can come over tonight and I could cook you dinner.”

“If that is what you want?” Jack asked with an eyebrow raised.

“Yep, about seven my place?” I replied with a smile.

“Alright, you’ve sold me,” Jack replied taking my hands into his, “Now I’ve got to ring the Prime Minister.” He added before kissing me again.

There was a knock on the door and we both looked up to see Gwen standing at the door. There was redness on her cheeks.

“Sorry, um Martha and I want to talk to Ianto,” She said, “If that’s alright with you?”

“Of course,” Jack said quickly removing his hands, “Need to speak to the Prime Minister anyway.”

Jack winked at me before I left the office with Gwen. She led me towards the medical bay where Martha was waiting.

“Gwen told me that you’re the person to go to if we need clothes,” Martha said with a smile, “Well if we need anything really.”

“Yeah that’s right,” I replied before looking at both of them, “Why? What do you need?”

“Emmett called, he’s wondering if we have any spare uniforms,” Martha replied rather cheerfully, “It seems he setting up a surprise candlelit dinner for James. James’ friend Damien is helping him.”

“Ah I’ll check the storage room,” I replied, “So you want me to run it over there as well?”

“Yes that will be great!” Martha replied, “Please James isn’t allowed to know about this.”

I nodded, “The secret is safe with me.”


Elbow was quietly playing in my ears as I surfed the net looking for alien artefacts. EBay was always the answer when it came to finding obscure alien artefacts and items as it was the most popular internet auction site. So far I had come up empty but I wasn’t going to give up, I had all day since the rift was quiet.

A few minutes later I felt hands on my shoulders, massaging them. They felt rough but soothing as they seemed to smooth out the knots. I looked up and met Jack’s face. Smiling I took out my earphones before looking back at the screen. Strangely Jack put the earphones back in and changed the song to The Bones of You before going back to massaging my shoulders. He didn’t speak but it certainly felt good.

It gave me time to think about what the others were up to. They seemed to be sneaking off with each other, having secret meetings either in the medical bay or the conference room. No one was telling me anything except for Jack who had been talking to the Prime Minister. I wanted to know what was going on but mouths quickly closed so I decided to work on looking for alien artefacts and other weird items on EBay.

A tear rolled down my cheek when the song had finished but I hadn’t noticed the depression that had started to take over. Hopefully it would be mild and gone in a few hours. Jack must have noticed as he kissed me softly on the cheek and cleaned the tears with a tissue.  I heard a chair move in next to mine and felt Jack take my hand to his.

“Everything will be fine, I promise,” Jack replied with a smile. His voice like a whisper as the next song played.

I hoped that he was right.

ww2, jack/ianto, gwen/rhys, james/emmett, martha/tom, novel sized, slash, captain emmett kingston, torchwood

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