Love Though Any Time (22/?) Torchwood NC-17

Apr 08, 2009 13:08

Chapter Twenty One


It was after midnight when I stumbled through the door of James’ flat. The evening with Jack had been interesting with a game of cards, scotch and a dance in his office. It was more for old time’s sake than actual attraction. Jack also showed me on the computer how the laws had changed and that gay couples were entitled to some benefits, including civil partnership, which was like marriage. The information had caused my head to spin; it was certainly going to take awhile to get used to it. By the end of the night though I started to feel better and not quite so ashamed anymore.

A plan had started to form in my head about how I was to seduce James. I wanted to be a gentleman about it, a candlelit dinner with wine, dancing slowly to Glenn Miller in my room before finally succumbing to those lustful thoughts that were in my mind. I wanted it to be romantic because I was so in love with him that he deserved it.

I walked down the corridor and stopped at the doorway of James’ room. He was sleeping peacefully and I quietly crept over to the bed. I sat down carefully and started to stroke his light brown hair before lightly kissing him on the cheek. He started to stir but only for a minute before calming down again. It seemed that I hadn’t wakened him so I kissed his cheek again and silently left the room.

“So what did you do last night?” James asked after he told me all about his evening with Damien over the breakfast table. I gulped slightly before answering.

“Well I decided to go for a walk around Cardiff,” I replied with a shrug, “Probably missed you heaps of times if you took Damien around the bay.”

“Yeah probably,” James said before looking down at the morning newspaper. There was a hint of disappointment in his voice but I didn’t want to tell him as it would ruin the surprise. “Damien said he’s going to come over to see you today if that’s alright?”

I lightened up at those words, “Yes that would be great since....” I began but realised what I was going to say, I quickly changed my words, “Since I would have some company.”

“Yes, Damien thought you might like to spend some time with him,” James replied with a smile, “You see he knows about Torchwood and also knows you are from the 1940s.”

“Really? Is he the person you trust the most then?” I asked quite surprised. James nodded.

“I’m sorry if....”

“Oh no, it’s good,” I assured him.

“Jack isn’t allowed to know that Damien knows about Torchwood,” James explained, “If he finds out I will be fired and retconned.”

I nodded, “I understand, your secret is safe with me.”

“Alright I better get to work,” He said standing up, “Have fun with Damien and hopefully if it’s a quiet day I’ll be home this evening.”

“Yes, looking forward to it,” I replied with a grin.

ww2, jack/ianto, gwen/rhys, james/emmett, martha/tom, novel sized, slash, captain emmett kingston, torchwood

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