Love Though Any Time (16/?) Torchwood NC-17

Apr 03, 2009 15:09


Chapter Fifteen


Jack was sitting at his desk when I entered, already knowing what he wanted to talk to me about. There were some papers sitting on his desk but I couldn’t help but look at what else he had including the coral growing under the lamp. The coral always made me smile because I secretly knew what he was trying to grow. I then turned my attention to Jack, he looked quite angry.

“Where is James?” Jack asked with an upturn lip.

“He’s at home,” I replied rather defensive, “I told him to stay there until I talked to you.”

Jack sat back and sighed, “That wasn’t your call to make,” He told me which made me quite angry.

“Did it ever occur to you that he probably doesn’t want to talk to you?” I snapped, “As far as I’m concerned he considers me to be his best friend, he trusts me.”

“So why did you tell Emmett about James’ sex binge?” Jack asked, snapping back.

“Emmett wanted the truth, not some made up story,” I replied rather angrily, “He was very worried about him and.....”

“So am I,” Jack interrupted, “But telling Emmett, since he’s is from 1940s, would totally screw up his mind.”

“Then maybe you should have a talk with him about it,” I suggested shrugging my shoulders a bit, “He’s in love with James.”

“Really? I hadn’t noticed,” Jack said very sarcastically, “Actually I’m waiting for him to come to me.”

I was going to tell him that Emmett wanted to talk to him a few weeks ago but I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want to make the situation worse, now that he was very angry with me. I threw the bag that I had behind my back on to his desk.

“Here’s a custard tart, enjoy!” I told him before turning to leave.

“We’re not finished yet,” Jack replied rather dryly, “Get James in here now!”


After breakfast I put on a blue long sleeve shirt and quietly put on one of the Glenn Miller records. I lie back on the bed and let the music drift me away. It had been five weeks since I was found at the airfield. My plane was still there and I wanted to see it again, but I was afraid that I wasn’t allowed to. I never brought it up with James since I was afraid of the answer.

For some reason I was able to cope with all the history, the gadgets and the changes that this society had gone through since the war. It was like I belonged here but I felt I had still had much to learn. James has assured me that this was normal. What I had not been able to cope with was if I should be ashamed about being in love with James Elton. I had been since I first met him at the airfield, instant attraction which had made me feel guilty.

Back in 1942 I had never felt guilty about having sex with other men. I probably felt it now because it was a totally different era. I wasn’t sure if James had told the truth about society changing its ways and that the laws weren’t in place anymore. I had seen other men hide and knew what it had been like since I was one of those men. Maybe talking to Jack was the answer after all.

A few minutes later I heard footsteps outside heading towards the front door; I rushed outside and saw James walking down the corridor. He looked handsome in a brown corduroy jacket and blue jeans, even with the untidy light brown hair. I called out to him.

“Are you going out?” I asked which made him turn around.

“Yes I have to face the music,” James replied with a slight shrug.

“Martha said that you had to stay home,” I told him while I walked closer to him. I had been so worried when he stayed out all night last week that some pretty dark thoughts that filled my head. Looking at him right now, I didn’t want to think about what was going to happen.

“Well she rang me to say that Jack wants to see me,” He explained with a sad smile, “He’s probably angry as hell.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” I asked, wanting to make the situation better.

“I don’t know, he’s probably angry that Martha told you about my sex binge,” He said rather concerned. I knew he wanted to protect me. I grabbed his hand.

“There’s a song that needs dancing to in my room,” I told him calmly, “Jack will just have to wait a little longer.”

James pulled me into an embrace.

“I love you,” He whispered.

ww2, jack/ianto, gwen/rhys, james/emmett, novel sized, martha/tom, slash, torchwood

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