I Pashed a Bloke (Torchwood, PG, Jack/Ianto)

Apr 03, 2009 13:04


The archives, a series of tunnels packed with shelves full of alien artefacts collected over the years by Torchwood. The place where I filed, cleaned, and hid away for awhile. A place where I had control over the surroundings, I even had a little system of where the artefacts went.

I caught myself making mental lists in my head, a chore I did on a regular basis. Mostly the lists were about making coffee, keeping the archives clean, to feed Myfanwy and other odd jobs around the hub. I was also counting the number of filing cabinets I’d already done. It was strange how my brain could do two things at once.

“Are you still hiding down here?” My boss Captain Jack Harkness asked loudly near the entrance. My eyes shot up from the cabinets towards where he stood, glaring slightly since I had to begin my counting again.

“Yes, needed to do some filing,” I replied dryly before looking back at the cabinets. The counting started again in clear precision until a mental list started to form, of all the ways I could fulfil Jack’s sexual desire.

I closed my eyes, trying to concentrate on the task of figuring out the cabinets I’d already cleaned. One, two, three, four, five, give Jack a blow job, six.... I wanted to bang my head up against the wall. Seven, eight, nine....

“Where’s the packet of lollypops you bought?” Jack asked loudly. I shook my head and looked up.

“Second drawer of your desk I think,” I replied, “Why?” I asked rather puzzled.

“Just feel like a lollypop,” He replied with a grin before disappearing back up the stairs. His coat flying up a bit at the back, I’d always loved that coat.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, I finished in my head causing me to secretly smile to myself. Now with that done I went back upstairs to make coffee.

When I entered the main area of the hub, there was a young man lying on the couch dressed in a brown corduroy jacket and black jeans. My eyes fell upon the untidy brown hair and the handsome face, immediately recognising him as the Australian IT technician that Jack wanted to protect from UNIT.

“I’m thinking of hiring him,” Jack said behind me, “It will get UNIT off his back for awhile at least.”

“Sounds like a good idea,” I replied looking around at him and noticing him holding a lollypop in his hand. “Though why is he sleeping on the couch?”

“Must have dozed off,” Jack explained with a shrug before popping the lollypop back into his mouth. I watched him as he slowly sucked on it, making me slightly aroused by the sound escaping his lips.

“Want to pash?” Jack asked with a smile, holding the lollypop out with his hand.

“I’m sorry?”

“Ah, that’s the beauty of learning exotic words,” Jack said before I felt his lips slip on to mine. His lips tasted like the lollypop that he had been sucking, though I couldn’t quite work out the flavour. Strangely the lyrics of Katy Perry’s I Kissed a Girl soon filled my mind.

“Mmm, what flavour is that?” I asked when we drew apart.

“I believe it’s cherry,” Jack replied with a grin, which made me blush slightly. “Oh I have to go and administer some Retcon.”

“Huh, I though you were hiring him?” I asked pointing at the young man. Jack shook his head.

“It’s not for him.”

“Ok, um so what is a pash?”

Jack sighed, “I just did it,” He replied before leaving me alone with the sleeping young man. Well he was now awake and staring at me with his soft blue eyes. He seemed to laugh.

“It’s basically a snog,” He explained with a smile.

“Ah thanks,” I replied before making my way towards the coffee machine.

I pashed a bloke and I liked it.

challenge, jack/ianto, torchwood australia, kiss, ficlet, lollypop, pash, torchwood

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