Love Though Any Time (9/?) Torchwood NC-17

Mar 26, 2009 18:48


Chapter Eight


I waited outside while Emmett was in the changing room, trying on some clothes. Observing the other customers who were walking around outside in the men’s department. Most of the clothes that Emmett had chosen were long sleeve shirts, waist coats and trousers which would be fine for now, since that was what he was used to.

“How’s this?” Emmett asked when he stepped out in a black suit jacket over a blue shirt and black trousers. With his black hair and good looking face, he certainly looked very handsome.

“Oh very nice, I like the shoes.” I replied looking him over carefully, “Do you want a tie to go with it?”

“I don’t do ties,” He replied with a smile, “As anybody ever told you that you look good in a suit?” He added.

I gave a smirk, “Yes and his name is Captain Jack Harkness.”

“Ah thought so,” Emmett said nodding his head, “I bet James Elton would look good in a suit.”

“I wouldn’t know as I’ve never seen him in one,” I confessed with a shrug.

“Well he looks handsome in uniform,” He confessed before shaking his head, “I really shouldn’t be thinking about it.” He said before disappearing back into the changing room.

I smiled to myself and went back to observing the other customers. Earlier I had noticed that James was more quiet that usual. I didn’t think they had slept together as James didn’t seem the type but then his past was full of one night stands. Then as James had told me, he had been young and stupid. A few minutes later Emmett reappeared in the clothes he had been wearing that morning, a navy blue shirt and trousers with a pile of clothes in his arms.

“Will you be able to pay for all of this?” Emmett asked rather concerned.

“Of course, Torchwood always sets money aside for situations like this,” I replied with a smile, “Well at least until you get a proper job of course.”

Emmett nodded, “Yes, I suppose I have to think about that now since I was never found back in 1942,” He began as he handed over the clothes. “This century is just so strange, especially with the mobile phone, iPods, computers, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to cope.”

“That’s what we are going to help you with,” I assured him. “Now I’m just going to go and pay for these clothes, go and wait outside the store alright.”

Emmett nodded and left the store.


There was a crowd when I found myself at the shopping plaza. I looked at my watch and saw that it was around lunchtime, the perfect time for people to meet. Going for a nice long walk had been a great idea and I was starting to feel a little better. I entered the plaza doors and made my way down towards the food court but that was until.....

“Hello James,” A voice yelled out and I looked up to see Emmett standing outside one of the major shops. I started to walk towards him.

“Hello, been shopping then?” I asked with a sort of weird smile when I saw the various bags.

“Yes Ianto’s inside paying for the clothes,” Emmett replied smiling back, “We also went food shopping.”

“Oh great, I was going to do that tonight,” I said rather happily.

“Well then it saves you having to do it then,” Emmett confirmed, “I promise not to bear all in the kitchen.” He added cheekily.

“I don’t mind,” I told him rather cheekily back, “It was just a bit of a shock.”

“Let me make it up to you,” Emmett replied, “I really do want to apologise.”

“You already have,” I told him with a sigh.

“Well could you at least tell me about yourself?” Emmett asked with a smile, “I really want to get to know you better.”

“But you’ve only just met me,” I protested, “Why do you want to know me for?”

“I just do, you’ve been kind enough to let me into your apartment,” He replied rather seriously, “For some reason you interest me.”

I didn’t know what to say.

“Am I interrupting anything?” Ianto asked a minute later.

ww2, jack/ianto, gwen/rhys, james/emmett, martha/tom, novel sized, slash, captain emmett kingston, torchwood

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