Going Solo (2/3) Torchwood/Doctor Who

Mar 26, 2009 11:49

Part Two

Light streamed through the window causing me to open my eyes. I blinked a few times before hearing the mobile phone vibrate on the bedside table. I slowly moved myself across the bed and picked it up. Jack was visibly written on the display but I wasn’t sure if to answer it or not. It was a little surprising since I thought he wasn’t going to ring me back after I left a message on his voice mail yesterday. I sighed and pressed the key to answer it.

“Morning Ianto, got your message,” Jack replied in his cheesiest voice, “What was it you wanted?”

“I just wanted to let you know that I arrived safely.” I told him looking at the clock to discover it was seven o’clock in the morning. “So how’s the coffee machine?” I added jokingly.

“Coffee machine’s fine, seems I can make coffee without any worries,” Jack replied with a laugh, “So that’s all you wanted then, to tell me that you’re still alive?”

“Pretty much, so I’m going to have a shower before I leave for the house,” I told him rather cheekily. I heard another chuckle on the phone.

“Now I wish I was there,” then there was a slight pause before I heard him clear his throat, “Ianto, please be careful, I don’t want to lose you.”

I didn’t know what to say but started to clear my throat, “Well I’m going to have that shower now,” I replied changing the subject slightly.

“Ok, I’ll be here fantasizing,” Jack said rather seductively, “Well I better go, have to call UNIT,” He added before he hung up.

I put the phone back on the table. That was the nature of our relationship, we danced around the emotional part but when it was brought up it felt awkward. The sex seemed much easier to talk about, hence the shower comment. I climbed out of bed and made my way to the shower.

Once I got dressed in a cargo jacket over a green t-shirt and jeans I made my way down the stairs towards the little dining room for breakfast. There weren’t many people there except for the waiter who served me. After breakfast I went back upstairs to grab the bag full of equipment before setting off towards the abandoned house that was just up the road.

The first time that the house had come into Torchwood’s attention was during the Second World War when strange reports started coming in about flashes of light coming from inside the house. Initial investigation had come up empty handed but for the last sixty years Torchwood had kept a close eye on the house. Nothing much about the house’s ownership was known, except that it had been abandoned since the late 1880s. Recently the reports had started to increase dramatically but because of our workload only one person could volunteer to go out there.

As I reached the gate that lead to the house I started to feel more nervous with a slight chill down my spine. Looking up at the house, I noticed the vines that had crawled up the brick walls over the years and the untidy garden with overgrown weeds. It certainly gave off a very creepy vibe. Though I pulled myself together and unlocked the gate.

Once I reached the house, I took out a torch since most of the windows had been boarded. The door slowly creaked open and with torch in hand, I entered the house. There seemed to be some light streaming in from a lonely window in what seemed to be the kitchen. I turned on the torch and started to look around. Stopping now and then when I heard a bird fly past the windows or when the breeze kicked up causing the boards to batter about.

Worse still was the noise of running footsteps coming from upstairs. I gulped slightly before ascending up the staircase, causing creaking noises as I climbed. At the top of the stairs I looked down the corridor and noticed a light flowing through a crack from a door at the end of the corridor to the right.

Ok odd I thought as I carefully walked down the corridor knowing that the floorboards weren’t as stable as they used to be. The door opened fully when I drew closer and the girl from the motel appeared with a strange looking torch in her hand.

“Oh hello,” She said a little surprised to see me there, “Um....”

“Catherine, wait...” A young man said as he appeared at the door, he had untidy brown hair and was wearing a brown pinstriped suit. He smiled when he saw me.

“Hello I’m the Doctor, haven’t we met?”

ten, torchwood australia, ianto, doctor who, torchwood

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