Going Solo (1/3) Torchwood/Doctor Who

Mar 25, 2009 13:15


Part One

I, Ianto Jones, had no idea what I was getting myself into when I volunteered to investigate an old abandoned house on the outskirts of the Brecon Beacons. A year before we had nearly ended up as food for a family of human flesh eating country dwellers. Now though I had decided to go back near there to prove I could handle an investigation, solo. Jack was a little anxious about it since he cared about me but covered it by saying that he wouldn’t be able to trust anyone else with the coffee machine. To satisfy his false security I taught him how to use it. Surprising how he managed to learn quite quickly.

I parked the car at the motel where I was staying. Straightening my tie before I climbed out of the car and walked to the entrance with two bags, one with clothes and the other full of Torchwood equipment. The plan was to spend the night at the motel then look around the old house in the morning before returning to Cardiff the day after. I was sure Jack would manage without me for three days.

“Oh hello dear, how may I help you?” An elderly woman at the counter asked with a smile. She looked about sixty with grey hair and wearing a red dress with fake pearls around her neck.

“I have a booking under the name of Jones,” I replied with a smile. She nodded and looked down at the book in front of her, running her finger down the page.

“Ah yes, Ianto Jones, two nights with a single room,” She said before leaving the counter to get the key, “You’re in room twenty four, do you need someone to help you with your bags?”

“No I can manage,” I replied looking down at the two bags sitting beside me.

“Alright here’s your key, the room is at the end of the corridor on the first floor.” She said as she handed over the key, “Hope you enjoy your stay here.”

“Yes I very much plan to,” I replied as I walked off towards the stairs.

The room was average size with a bathroom, a small TV and a bar fridge. I placed the bags down at the foot of the bed and pulled out my mobile phone. My eyes fell upon it wondering if I should call Jack or not. Sighing I threw the mobile on to the bed, thinking that if Jack wanted to know I was safe then he would have told me to call him when I arrived. He hadn’t, just told me to have a good time and to find something useful. Then again Gwen had been in the room.

I stripped off my clothes and made my way to the shower. The water felt refreshing as it hit my face relieving the stress I felt about investigating on my own. I wouldn’t lie that I was nervous and worried that something was going to happen to me. A radio played nearby which had been on the whole time and the sultry tones of Rise by the Doves flowed towards the shower, into my mind where it stayed for awhile. I closed my eyes, imagining rough strong hands slowly massaging my shoulders and soft lips kissing the back of my neck. Jack seemed to always be on my mind.

I was interrupted by a knock on the door. Quickly I turned off the water, rubbed myself down with the towel before throwing on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. The knocking continued a few more times until I opened the door to discover a young female in her early twenties with short brown hair wearing a blue shirt over a pair of jeans. She looked a bit embarrassed when she saw me.

“Sorry, I have the wrong room,” She said rather disappointingly, “I must have heard him wrong, my friend talks so fast I have trouble understanding him, sorry again.”

“Ah, don’t worry the elderly woman downstairs might be able to help you.” I replied with a smile. She nodded and turned her head slightly.

“Thanks, I am so sorry to have disturbed you.” She said again before disappearing down the corridor. I stared after her before closing the door and looked at the mobile phone lying on the bed.

I couldn’t help but smile.

ten, torchwood australia, ianto, doctor who, torchwood

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